So the babysitters at the Walt Disney Company, Toy Story franchise and it didn’t just originate here in America, it bombarded the whole world.
Moon, surprisingly.
Say experts watching at the box office light year it will take $70 to $85 million domestically and make another $50 to $60 million overseas for a global opening of $135 million. Instead, gay Toy Story The origin of the story is stuck with $51 million in domestic opening and an additional $34 million offshore, with $85.6 million in pitiful land worldwide.
In an other saying light years global transport equals default local transport and this call is a big flopperoo.
light year It’s reportedly worth $200 million to produce, and you know Disney predators must spend at least another $100 million on global promotion. That’s a $300 million price tag, so light year it would have to earn about $550 to $650 million worldwide just to get back, which seems unlikely.
Do you have any idea how crazy and not that crazy Disney invested $300 million in a gay movie? And it’s not just any kind of movie – it’s a children’s movie. And it’s not just any kids movie, it’s a Toy Story film!
Promoting allowing gay porn in elementary schools is one thing for young caregivers at Disney. It’s skinless, according to Disney’s line, and they still get what they want, those little boys are fixated on sex toys that they can manipulate and abuse. Yet putting such inappropriate materials into a $300 million investment is something else entirely.
Listen, I’m sorry, I know we shouldn’t say this out loud, but I’ll say it anyway… Nobody wants to watch same-sex sexual intimacy, except gay people. It’s not just us. Why? Why? Because – so to speak – we were born that way. This is how we are wired. No one goes to the cinema for discomfort, and parents do not take their children to the cinema – especially Disney movie – exposing them to human sexuality before they’re ready.
As I’ve said a million times before, there’s nothing wrong with making Hollywood movies for gay people. Hollywood should make movies for everyone. What will never sell is the mainstreaming of homosexuality. There are two reasons for this: 1) it bothers 90 percent of the population, and 2) whenever it appears in a movie or TV show, it feels more like a lesson than a natural part of the story. Nobody likes lectures. We roll our eyes. It breaks the storytelling spell. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth. It ruins the whole experience.
My attitude towards how other people live their lives is completely irrelevant. I don’t care about your life. I don’t care how anyone lives. You want to do orgies, worship Satan and drink meth – I don’t care. Just don’t go to my porch and don’t call me bigot because I don’t want to watch.
Hikers cannot restore human nature, no matter how much they want to.
human nature is human nature.
Most Americans, myself included, have no problem “holding up” to all these lifestyle alternatives. Live and let live. Agree with elders and others. What we would never do would be to “accept” or “celebrate” this thing.
And you can’t follow us.
Source: Breitbart