Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian urged the UK not to interfere in its internal affairs, especially with regard to the Taiwan issue, noting that “some high-ranking British officials have repeatedly caused a stir in the media on Taiwan-related issues recently.” representation.

In a press statement, he stressed, “Once again, the Taiwan issue is China’s internal affair, and no outside power has the right to interfere in it,” stressing that “this is the basic norm of international relations.”

“China is committed to peaceful reunification and the principle of ‘one country, two systems’ and will make every effort to realize the hope of peaceful reunification,” Li Jian said, adding at the same time, “But we will never stand idle.” and watch the separatist activities of the so-called “independence” (Taiwan).

Notably, the island of Taiwan, located in East Asia off the coast of China, is one of the most sensitive issues for Beijing, which considers it an integral part of Greater China and rejects any attempt or separatist actions aimed at its independence.