A statement from Poland’s Internal Security Agency ABW reports the arrest of a person named “Piotr” (the detainee’s family is not mentioned in accordance with Polish law) on charges of inciting the assassination of Polish President Andrzej Duda and the Polish Prime Minister. Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. On social networks, insulting remarks and profanity against the current president of Poland called for his assassination, his prime minister and police officers, Stanislav Zarin, spokesman for the coordinating minister of the Polish special services, said.

The Polish prosecutor’s office has already charged Piotr with “public consent to murder”, “calling for the assassination of the president, the current head of the cabinet of ministers and police officers” and “insulting the president of Poland.”

The accused did not confess to the charges brought against him and claimed that he “only expressed his opinion without offending anyone.” The accused was arrested and imprisoned for 3 months by court order.