Head of the Fourth CIS Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry Denis Gonchar said that Russian Ambassador-at-Large Igor Khovaev would make regular trips to Baku and Yerevan in September to continue work on the text of the peace treaty.

“The issue of preparing for a peace treaty occupies an important place in our efforts to promote the normalization of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations,” Gonchar told Sputnik, adding that “the request for Russian assistance was confirmed by Baku and Yerevan.”

He also believed that “in order to give a systemic and objective character to these efforts, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov entrusted Ambassador-at-Large Khovaev with the tasks of a special representative to promote the normalization of relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia.”

In this context, Gonchar said that “Khuvaev will regularly visit Baku and Yerevan to hold consultations on the issue of a peace treaty, search for common ground in order to facilitate the agreement on the draft agreement,” stressing that “the Russian representative will make further trips to both countries during this months.”

Clashes erupted the day before on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, resulting in casualties among the armies of the two countries, and both sides accused each other of unleashing the escalation.