Member States of the United Nations on Friday, by way of exception, authorized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to deliver a speech via video technology at the annual United Nations General Assembly next week.

Of the 193 member states, 101 supported the resolution, which is an exception to the speech rule and allows Zelensky to “deliver a pre-recorded speech” during the week of the General Assembly. Seven countries voted against the resolution, including Russia, and 19 abstained.

In 2020 and 2021, due to “Covid 19”, an annual “Public Debate” was reportedly organized that allows successive world leaders to take the podium, partly virtually, allowing many leaders to speak via video. But this year the meeting is being held to a full house, and only the heads of state and heads of government present can speak. For countries whose heads of state did not travel, like Russia or China, the highest representative can speak, but they are heads of state and government.