HomeWorldGuterres warns of "dangerous rhetoric" fueling nuclear tensions

Guterres warns of “dangerous rhetoric” fueling nuclear tensions

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The Secretary General of the United Nations Organization (UN), António Guterres, warned this Tuesday, in a speech at the Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations, of the “dangerous rhetoric” that fuels nuclear threats around the world.

“The growing divisions threaten world peace and security, provoking new confrontations and making it even more difficult to resolve old conflicts”Guterres told reporters at the IX Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), in Fez (northeast Morocco).

“Dangerous rhetoric is raising nuclear tensions”he warned, as Western countries accuse Moscow of threatening nuclear war to discourage them from supporting Ukraine, where Russia has been waging a military offensive since late February.

At the same time, the UN chief lamented, the world “is moving dangerously close to the climatic precipice and hate speech and misinformation are proliferating.”

In this context, Guterres denounced “the forces of discord” and the awakening of “old demons”, such as anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim fanaticism, persecution of Christians, xenophobia and racism.

“In this troubled world, we must alleviate tensions, promote inclusion and social cohesion and create more united and resilient societies,” he defended.

Co-sponsored by Spain and Turkey, the IX UNAOC Forum began this Monday under the slogan “Living together as one humanity”.

The meeting, attended by members of governments and various personalities, is being held for the first time on the African continent and will conclude on Wednesday with a “Declaration of Fez”.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, João Gomes Cravinho, participates in the 9th UNAOC Forum, an organization whose mission is to promote dialogue and understanding between different communities and cultural and religious traditions, as well as frame the fight against extremism in a logic of prevention .

According to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister João Gomes Cravinho will speak in the ministerial segment of the Group of Friends of this Alliance and in the interactive debate on preventing and combating violent extremism, in the context of new and emerging threats. .

Apart from this meeting, the minister will also hold bilateral meetings with various counterparts, according to the same source.

Source: Observadora

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