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Census2021. Minister highlights almost total response of the population via digital

The Minister of the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, highlighted this Wednesday the almost absolute weight of the responses of the population residing in Portugal by digital means to the 2021 Census, pointing out this aspect as the importance of the evolution of national institutions.

At the press conference to present the final results of the censuses, which took place at the National Statistics Institute (INE) in Lisbon, the official thanked the people who contributed to carrying out this census operation in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Covid-19. pandemic, highlighting that going ahead with the 2021 Census “was really the right decision”????????

“There are two pieces of information that I would like to highlight, because they are very specific to these censuses: the almost all responses were digital, with all that this means to prepare our institutions for this path and all the possibilities that this opens up; and the translation into 11 languages ​​of the questionnaires. I wanted to highlight the capacity of the INE to adapt to all the changes”, he observed.

Mariana Vieira da Silva defended that the importance of this type of initiative “is enormous”, since these data on multiple dimensions of Portuguese society allow us to define with a greater degree of knowledge how “act with public policies”????????

Among the main data highlighted in the presentation on Wednesday at the INE, the 2.1% reduction in the population residing in Portugal compared to 2011furthermore accentuating the imbalances in the distribution of the population throughout the national territory.

Despite this decrease, there was a substantial growth (37%) of the foreign population residing in the country and a resurgence of the phenomenon of population aging.

The collection phase of the 2021 Census was carried out between April 5 and May 31 and the data refer to the date of the census moment, April 19, 2021.

Source: Observadora

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