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Alentejo 2030 Program with 1,104 million euros approved by Brussels and tenders in early 2023

The Alentejo 2030 Regional Program, whose first tender announcements should be launched “in the first quarter of next year”, was approved this Thursday by the European Commission, with a global endowment of 1,104 million euros, revealed the Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR).

In a statement, the CCDR of Alentejo said that it estimates that “at the beginning of 2023, the first advertisements for companies will be able to open.” And he added that he anticipates that “the negotiation will begin in the regions, that is, the contracting with the inter-municipal communities.”

According to the CCDR, “after an intense year of negotiations, the CCDR saw the approval of the Portugal 2030 (PT2030) regional programs by the services of the European Commission and a new package of European regional funds for the next programming period”.

Contacted by the Lusa news agency, the president of the CCDR Alentejo, António Ceia da Silva, welcomed the approval of the regional program and the allocation of 1,104 million, since it is higher than that of the Alentejo 2020 regional operating program (which has about 1,082 million euro).

“The important thing is that, now, the different promoters and the different agents of the region get ‘hands on’ for its execution and that we do not take so long to execute [os fundos] as it happened with Alentejo 2020”, he argued, forecasting “the first quarter of 2023” to open the first tenders.

Continuing with Alentejo 2020, the Alentejo 2030 Regional Program, for the period 2021-2027, will take into account “the great regional strategic challenges presented by the 2030 Regional Strategy”, said the CCDR. The Alentejo 2030 program will be structured “around the five strategic objectives of the European Union”, that is, “a Europe that is smarter, greener, more connected, more social and closer to its citizens”.

According to Ceia da Silva, “there are areas that will be fundamental” in this new regional program for Alentejo, such as “demography, the issue of climate transition, energy transition, the competitiveness of companies and academia, urban rehabilitation, among other”. .

The Agency for Development and Cohesion (AD&C) announced that, as of today, “the 12 Portugal 2030 Programs have been approved, which will mobilize, throughout this decade, a total of 23 billion euros for projects aimed at development of the country, a development based on companies and the economy, on people, on sustainability and on the territory”.

“Today’s decisions by the European Commission mark the culmination of a long process that began in the second half of 2021, after the publication of the European regulations, with the negotiation of the Portugal 2030 Association Agreement, which was approved on July 12. . and where the main political options for the use of European funds until 2029 are defined,” said AD&C.

The 12 programs comprise seven regional programs (North, Center, Alentejo, Azores and Madeira, Algarve and Lisbon), four thematic (Innovation and Digital Transition, Demography, Qualifications and Inclusion, Climate Action and Sustainability and Sea) and one Assistance Technical , in addition to the European Territorial Cooperation programs in which Portugal participates in collaboration with the other Member States.

On the social network Twitter, at the end of the morning, the President of the Government, António Costa, also referred to the approval of the 12 programs by the European Commission, considering that “the country has access to a wide range of funds Europeans, with an unprecedented value of almost 40,000 million euros”, referring to the Recovery and Resilience Plan and PT2030.

“PT2030 is an important instrument to promote the structural transformation of the country based on qualification, training, innovation and digital transformation, climate transition and sustainability, taking into account inclusion, equality and territorial cohesion” he added.

Source: Observadora

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