HomeEconomyCGTP says consultation has served to legitimize anti-labor policies

CGTP says consultation has served to legitimize anti-labor policies

The general secretary of the CGTP defended this Tuesday, in parliament, that the social consultation has served to legitimize anti-labor policies, facilitate dismissals, cut rights and limit free collective bargaining.

“The assessment we make is that, in most cases, [a concertação social] “It has served to legitimize anti-labor policies, facilitate dismissals, cut rights and limit free collective bargaining,” said the general secretary of the CGTP, Tiago Oliveira, at the conference “The present and the future of social consultation”, in the parliamentary commission. of Work, Social Security and Inclusion.

The union leader also highlighted the “divergences in economic growth” and also in salary terms between Portugal and the rest of Europe, which, he said, cannot be “disconnected from the options followed by the Government.”

Tiago Oliveira defended that the statement that the CGTP has as a rule not to sign any concertation agreement is falseadding that the union center intervenes to “defend and conquer” the rights of workers.

During his speech at the conference, the CGTP leader also referred to the medium-term agreement to improve income, which he classified as “clarifying” what the social consultation has been used for.

“It is an agreement that aims to establish salary ceilings and distribute millions among large companies,” he highlighted, highlighting that without a fair increase in the minimum wage it is not possible to remove 10% of workers who are at this level from unemployment. poverty.

The CGTP also promised to intervene, “in the present and in the future”, to guarantee the right to collective bargaining, the fight against precariousness and the deregulation of the working day.

This action, as he pointed out, has a “determining element” in the struggle, which is not opposed to negotiation.

Source: Observadora

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