Home World Biden and Trump draw smallest audience to presidential debate in 20 years

Biden and Trump draw smallest audience to presidential debate in 20 years


The lowest number of viewers has ever seen the debate between Al Gore and George W. Bush since the 2000s. Only 49.7 million people decided to watch the first live event of the campaign.

Viewership for the first presidential debate of the year, held on Thursday between former US President Donald Trump and current leader Joe Biden, was the lowest in two decades, according to a preliminary report released by CNN.

The survey shows that 49.7 million people turned on their televisions to watch the debate, a low audience figure that had not been seen in a first presidential face-to-face since the first between Democrat Al Gore and the Republican (and more deceased president). George W. Bush in 2000, according to data compiled by the Pew Research Center think tank.

Lots of personal attacks and even a discussion about golf. Trump debate leaves Democrats worried about Biden’s ability

The debate caused a political shock among Democrats due to Biden’s poor performance, with Many analysts traditionally aligned with this party call for his replacement. as a candidate in the November 5 elections.

After disastrous face-to-face with Trump, Biden acknowledges: “I am not a young man. “I don’t debate as well as I used to.”

This is not the first time Biden and Trump have faced off in a televised debate: the first of the 2020 election cycle, when the Republican lost the White House, attracted more than 73 million Americans.

However, the September 2016 debate between Hillary Clinton and Trump during the 2016 elections were the most watched in the country’s historywith more than 84 million viewers.

Trump burst onto the national political scene seven years ago, after defeating Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State and representative of the Democratic political elite.

Source: Observadora



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