HomeEconomyBailiffs' strike continues to free detainees without judicial questioning

Bailiffs’ strike continues to free detainees without judicial questioning

Between one and two dozen detainees have been released in the last 24 hours without being heard by a judge, due to the ongoing strike by judicial employees, which makes it impossible to meet the 48-hour deadline for the first judicial interrogation.

According to Carlos Almeida, president of the Union of Justice Officials (SOJ), the structure that called for the strike, in the last 24 hours several citizens detained throughout the country were released and measures such as searches and police operations were postponed, “some of them on a large scale.” ”, as a “preventive measure” to prevent those detained in these operations from being released due to the ongoing strike, which does not have minimum services decreed.

The strike was called every afternoon from Monday to Friday and on Wednesday and Friday mornings, which on some days of the week implies a continuous strike of more than a day and a half.

Detainees awaiting interrogation are released due to bailiffs’ strike

Three men arrested on Wednesday in Alcobaça for robbery, one of them for a firearm, were released this Friday without being present for the judicial interrogation in the Leiria court for the application of coercive measures, the suspects having criminal records for resistance and coercion, theft, robbery and attempted murder.

In Albufeira, in the Algarve, the bailiffs’ strike has postponed the reading of the sentence of the young woman accused of having killed another woman in front of a nightclub in Albufeira, until 2023.

The afternoon strike that has been ongoing since January has been joined by a strike on Wednesday and Friday mornings, after the SOJ failed to reach an agreement with the Ministry of Justice on the negotiations to revise the salary tablethe payment of the procedural recovery supplement integrated into the 14-month salary and the opening of competitions for promotion and entry into the career.

In recent statements to Lusa, SOJ stated that resolving the conflict “is simple”, as long as the current situation The Government complies with the electoral program presented to the Portuguese in the last legislative elections on March 10.

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On Monday, the SOJ will be received again at the Ministry of Justice for a complementary negotiation meeting.

The other union structure in the sector, the Union of Judicial Employees (SFJ), reached an agreement with the supervisory authority, cancelling the current strikes, starting next week the negotiation of the revision of the Statute of Judicial Employees.

Source: Observadora

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