HomeWorldLocation point. What happened on the 418th day...

Location point. What happened on the 418th day of the war in Ukraine?

The sentence of the Kremlin’s political opponent, Vladimir Kara-Murza, to 25 years in prison was one of the main topics of the day. He was accused of treason for publicly criticizing the invasion of Ukraine.

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Vladimir Kara-Murza, a politician and well-known opponent of the Russian regime, was sentenced this Monday to 25 years in prison. He was arrested last year after criticizing the invasion of Ukraine and accused of treason.

In Portugal, the reactions to Lula da Silva’s statements about the war in Ukraine continued, days before his official visit to Portugal. Foreign Minister João Gomes Cravinho denied that there is any shame, taking into account the different positions of Portugal and Brazil on the conflict. “I think the finding that Portuguese and Brazilian foreign policy are not identical is not exactly a surprise to anyone,” said the Portuguese minister.

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Source: Observadora

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