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Lula spoke “by phone” with Putin and rejects an invitation to visit Russia: “I can’t go now”

Lula da Silva rejected a visit to Russia but assures that he reiterates “Brazil’s will, along with India, Indonesia and China, to dialogue with the two parties to the conflict in search of peace.”

Brazilian President Lula da Silva reported today that he spoke with Russian President Vladmir Putin, refusing an invitation to go to Russia but that Brazil, India, Indonesia and China want to talk about peace in Ukraine.

“I just spoke on the phone with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. I thanked him for the invitation to attend the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg and replied that I could not go to Russia at the moment, but reiterated Brazil’s willingness, along with India, Indonesia and China, to talk to both sides of the conflict in search of peace”wrote Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, on the social network Twitter.

Source: Observadora

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