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Peace Summit. European leaders reject “the capitulation of Ukraine” and Zelensky is betting on an action plan to present to Putin.

In Bürgenstock, more than 50 world leaders met to try to find a way to end the war. Zelensky already admits that he will have to present to Putin the plan that emerges from the Swiss summit.

More than 90 world leaders and representatives are meeting this Saturday and Sunday at the luxurious (and these days highly guarded) Bürgenstock hotel, on the outskirts of Lucerne, Switzerland. On the first day of work, European leaders made it clear that they do not accept the “surrender” or “capitulation” of Ukraine, as Putin claims. The Swiss president did not hide her displeasure at the absence of Russia (which was not even invited to the summit). Still, Viola Amherd heard Volodymyr Zelensky say that kyiv will present Moscow with an action plan to end the war.

At first it was the Ukrainian president himself who set the tone for the countries present. “We have to decide together what a just peace means for the world. and how it can be achieved in a truly lasting way.” Zelensky stated that the UN charter is quite clear. “There is no need to reinvent the wheel when the UN charter already defines the bases of peace and normal coexistence of peoples,” he stressed.

Marcellus. The success of the Ukraine Peace Summit will be measured by the fulfillment of the final communiqué

An idea that gained broad consensus. “Is it right for a larger country to invade and take the territory of a smaller neighbor? The answer is obviously no. It is written in the Charter of the United Nations. And that is why it is vital that we reaffirm this Charter. “It is vital that we recommit ourselves to firmly uphold the principles of the United Nations Charter,” said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who called for “a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace for Ukraine.” A peace that restores the sovereignty of Ukraine and its territorial integrity, the inviolability of all borders, the sovereignty of all nations.”

The idea of ​​freezing the conflict or a ceasefire was also rejected. “Freezing the current conflict, with foreign troops occupying Ukrainian territory, is not the answer”, highlighted Ursula Von Der Leyen, supported by the German Chancellor. “An immediate ceasefire without serious negotiations, without a roadmap for a just and lasting peace, solely on the basis of the so-called new realities, would only legitimize Russia’s illegal seizure of territories,” Olaf Scholz was quoted as saying. by Deutsche Welle.

There was also consensus on the idea that Ukraine has the right to defend itself and not capitulate to Russia. “This war has an aggressor, which is Russia, and a victim, which is Ukraine. The Ukrainian people have the right to defend their children, their homes and their cities.”said the President of the European Council, Charles Michel. “We are all committed to building a sustainable peace… That peace cannot be a Ukrainian capitulation,” said French President Emmanuel Macron, who accused Russia of being “an imperialist regime.” The prime minister also rejected “the unconditional surrender of the kyiv regime”, a demand from the Kremlin, which, he assured, “will never happen.”

However, the fact that Russia was not present at the summit generated criticism (more or less audible from some countries), including from the host itself, Switzerland. President Viola Amherd said it was “inconceivable” not to involve Russia in the peace process. “A lasting solution must involve both parties“warned the head of state. In response, Zelensky responded by saying that Russia was not invited to the meeting because it is not interested in peace. “Why isn’t Russia here? Because if Russia was interested in peace, there would be no war.”

The Peace Summit will be the “first step”, but “there will be no peace process without Russia”, warns Switzerland

Zelensky plans to engage Moscow in a solution, but only at the next peace summit. The President of Ukraine stated that kyiv will present to Russia, at a second peace summit, an action plan based on the peace formula agreed upon at the current Summit (held in Switzerland) to end the war.

“When the action plan is on the table, agreed upon by all and transparent to the people, it will be communicated to the Russian representatives.”said Volodymyr Zelensky, quoted by Kyiv Independent. “So that at the second peace summit we can establish the true end of the war.”

Three topics will be addressed in the summit’s working groups on Sunday: nuclear security, freedom of navigation and food security, and humanitarian aspects, in particular the fate of Ukrainian children deported to Russia.

Source: Observadora

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