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Joe Biden says he needs more rest and will limit campaign events after 8 p.m.

In a meeting with Democratic state governors, Joe Biden acknowledged that he needs to rest and said he has to work less at night. Events after 8 p.m. will be reduced.

US President Joe Biden says he needs more sleep and will therefore limit the number of events he attends after 8 p.m., The New York Times reports, citing several sources with knowledge of the content of a meeting between the head of state and a group of state governors from the Democratic Party, during which the American leader is said to have made the revelation.

Joe Biden, 81, who has been under intense pressure to withdraw from the presidential election since his poor performance in the first two-way debate with Donald Trump, met on Wednesday with more than two dozen Democratic state governors in the United States. The meeting, according to The New York Times, was primarily aimed at reassuring some of the highest-ranking officials in the Democratic Party about Biden’s ability not only to remain in office but, above all, to maintain his presidential candidacy.

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Biden’s remarks to the governors, however, are being interpreted as an admission of frailty and fatigue. Several governors were even frustrated by the fact that there was no discussion about whether or not Biden should continue in the race. During the meeting, one of the governors even asked Biden about his health, to which Biden replied that everything was fine: “It’s just my brain.” A campaign official even had to confirm that Biden was just joking.

According to the newspaper, Joe Biden sought to justify to the governors the reasons for his poor performance in the debate with Donald Trump last week, during which he appeared with a worn-out voice and multiplied by hesitations, long pauses, confusion of topics, frequent blunders and even incomplete or confusing sentences, and which have led, in recent days, to calls for Biden to step aside from the race and allow the Democratic Party to choose another candidate to multiply.

Biden reportedly told Democratic governors that part of his fatigue was due to multiple international trips in the weeks leading up to the debate. The US president also admitted that he had already told his team that he needed more rest. According to The New York Times, Joe Biden admitted that he did not listen to the team’s advice regarding reducing work hours, especially at night, and that he should now try to reduce the number of events he participates in after 8 p.m.

This week, The New York Times had already revealed that Joe Biden had told one of his allies that it might be impossible to save the campaign after the debate with Trump. However, the White House was quick to deny that Biden was considering stepping aside.

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On Thursday, Joe Biden admitted in an interview with a radio station that he “made a mistake” on the night of the debate. “I had a bad night. The fact is that I screwed up,” Biden said, without opening the door to a withdrawal. “I made a mistake (…) but I learned from my father that when you fall, you get up and we will win this election; we will defeat Donald Trump, just like we did in 2020.”

Source: Observadora

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