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The PCP accuses the Government of “trying to make people close their eyes” to the crisis in Gaza

The PCP leader said that it is “very clear” to people that “cynicism and hypocrisy prevail” in the actions of several states in conjunction with the actions of Israel that contribute to the deaths in the Gaza Strip.

The secretary general of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Paulo Raimundo, defended this Thursday that the Government, in association with other States, seeks to make “the people turn a blind eye” to the destruction that is taking place in the Gaza Strip “at the hands of Israel.”

Speaking on the sidelines of his participation in a solidarity action with Palestine organised by the Movement for the Rights of the Palestinian People and for Peace in the Middle East (MPPM), the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC), the CGPT-IN and the En Voz Alta Project, the PCP leader said that it is “very clear” to the people the “cynicism and hypocrisy that prevail” in the actions of several States – including the Portuguese – and that, together with the actions of Israel, they contribute to the deaths in the Gaza Strip.

“Every minute that passes, there is a minute of death, a minute of destruction at the hands of Israel. (…) but it is also at the hands of the hypocrisy and cynicism that prevail, where our Government and many governments and many States associate themselves with that hypocrisy and cynicism,” he stressed.

He added: “They are trying to make the people turn a blind eye to what is happening and to their responsibilities, but the people, as shown here, not only do not turn a blind eye, they also know that they are responsible.”

The general secretary of the communists reiterated that It is “incomprehensible” that the Portuguese government has not yet recognised the State of Palestine.

Paulo Raimundo acknowledged that this decision “does not solve everything,” but stressed that it is a “very important political contribution to affirm” the Palestinian cause.

Paulo Raimundo also commented on the presence of police officers in the stands of the Assembly of the Republic during this afternoon’s parliamentary debate, highlighting their “exemplary behaviour” and stating that all the police officers who “were watching all over this country, on television, I think have reason to be proud of the stance they adopted.”

He did, however, criticise Chega, accusing André Ventura’s party of resorting to “attempts at exploitation and demagogy that have had no effect.”

“I do not want to feed this hypocrisy, this demagogy, because the difference between focusing intervention and work on solving the police problem and those who want to take advantage of the police to focus their work on it has become clear,” said Paulo Raimundo.

Regarding the viability of the Madeira Regional Government’s programme, Raimundo said he was not surprised by this afternoon’s voteregretting only the content of the document that was approved.

“We are talking about who approved and who did not, and we are ignoring the content. And the content is a program that, led by the PSD, the CDS and Chega, the Liberal Initiative and the PAN, is a program that does not respond to the needs of the people of Madeira or Portosanto,” he concluded.

The Madeira parliament approved today the Programme of the XV Regional Government, with 22 votes in favour from the PSD, CDS-PP and PAN, 21 votes against from the PS, JPP and one deputy from Chega, and four abstentions from Chega and IL.

Source: Observadora

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