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Guinean police ban riding motorcycles without helmets, require licence and limit number of passengers

Due to the lack of a public transport network, citizens use motorcycles, known as mototaxis, to move around communities and various areas of Bissau.

The commissioner of Guinea’s Public Order Police (POP) issued an order on Thursday banning the driving of motorcycles without helmets and warned that such vehicles can only carry up to two passengers.

The order further states that, from now on, Motorcycle drivers must have their respective driving license.

The Government’s decision, communicated to the public by the POP commissioner, comes into force as of this Thursday and surveillance operations on public roads will be launched from next week.

In Guinea-Bissau, due to the lack of a public transport network, citizens use motorcycles, commonly known as mototaxis, to move around their communities and various areas of Bissau.

Both motorcycle drivers and passengers do not usually wear helmets.

“It is a custom to see people riding motorcycles without helmets. You can even see people riding motorcycles with their helmets hanging from the handlebars. This cannot continue, because not a day goes by without a record of fatal accidents involving motorcycles,” said the national commissioner of the POP, General Salvador Soares.

The Guinean POP commissioner also clarified that it is “unacceptable” for public transport motorcycles to carry “two, three or even four passengers.”

Source: Observadora

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