“Long live Palestine”, despite the nose of “Rawak”

On the occasion of Palestinian Return Day (May 15), Lebanese “rapper” Jaafar Al-Taffar (pictured) and Iraqi-British artist Karim Dennis, known as Lowky, will perform a concert tomorrow on Palestinian Cultural Center ”. Club ”at the“ Mar Elias ”camp in Beirut. The party was scheduled to take place on Thursday, May 12 at Beirut’s Riwaq Café, but the latter canceled the party two hours before the scheduled time, citing “Loki belongs to the axis of resistance,” Jafar said in an interview. Facebook page. Note that two months ago Lowkey was campaigned by the Zionist lobby in the UK for his support for the Palestinian cause. He even pressured the Spotify platform to “remove all his songs under the guise of their anti-Israeli content.”
The evening, featuring two well -known rappers, is meant to draw on their lyrical contributions to Palestine. Al-Taffar, with a particular artistic style that combines rap and Lebanese folklore, attacks the corrupt emperors of the Lebanese regime with his songs, which have brought the country to this tragic and unfortunate reality. Palestine has a special place in the mind and heart of Ja’far al-Taffar. Throughout his career, he has performed many songs saluting the resilience of the Palestinian people and calling for confrontation and victory against the Zionist occupiers, as well as emphasizing the inevitable liberation of the land and the return of refugees in their homes, including the song “Vasil, my clear conscience, Vasil” and the song “Miftah al-Dar”. For Loki, he is known around the world for his dedicated political songs and strong support for the rights of the Palestinian people. He performed several songs supporting the Palestinian struggle and denounced the plight of refugees, such as “Tears of Laughter”, “Long Live Palestine”, and “Children of the Diaspora”.

Palestinian Return Day: Q: 20:00 tomorrow night, Sunday – “Palestinian Cultural Club” at Mar Elias camp – Beirut) – The invitation is public and free of charge.

He lives in Jaffa and he is known by the stone.

As part of its screenings dedicated to the memory of the Nakba that will air in May, the Palestinian Film Fund will show on its platform the documentary film “Jaffa Umm al-Gharib” (69 days-2019) by Raed Duzdar. . The film, which will continue to be screened at the Foundation until May 18, is based on the oral history of this Palestinian city before 1948, as most of the film’s visitors were born and lived in Jaffa before the Nakba, and they currently reside. in the diaspora. They share and intersect their stories and vivid memories to cover most aspects of city life. Through their life memories, photographic archives and documents, the film seeks to visually reconstruct this city before the conquest. Stories told by those who have lived in Palestine for a long time about their city of Jaffa. Although the age of the owners of these stories exceeds ninety years, memory is present in every detail.

Jaffa Umm al -Gharib: until May 18 -palestinefilminstitute.org

Music is a weapon in combat

Lebanese poet and journalist Zahi Wehbe will host Palestinian artist and researcher Salva Jaradat (pictured) on his Bait al-Qased (Al-Mayadeen) program today as he talks about his upbringing in a bad family. His father was the released prisoner Khalil Jaradat and his sister was the released prisoner Samah Jaradat. On the eve of the Nakba anniversary, Jaradat, an expert in the history of music and singing, spoke about the importance of art in dealing with the conquest of Israel and in strengthening national identity, as well as the details of the singing of Palestinian within the framework. of the Levantine to sing in general.
The dialogue refers to performances performed by Jaradat in Metro Al-Madina (Beirut) and other theaters, including “La Shalom”, which show a refusal to normalize relations of the occupation, and “Here is Jerusalem ”, Which was inspired by the songs broadcast by Radio Jerusalem in the 1930s and 1940s and its role in its time in its Arab environment, as well as the“ worlds of Imad al-Din Street ”and the perspective of its researchers in the world of singing and its nature.

“Outcome”: Question: 21:00 tonight on “Al Mayadeen”