The Algerian film scene is going through a difficult stage after the decision of local authorities to disband the “Foundation for the Development of the Film Industry” in Algiers (FDATIC). This decision was taken by the Algerian authorities to increase spending and increase state budget revenues, but it in turn had a detrimental effect on directors and producers who stepped up their movements to express their dissatisfaction. .

In this regard, a group of Algerian filmmakers, including Camira Ainousa, Adelo Bendemrad, Amal Bledy, Yasmine Shuih and others, sent an open letter to the “Ministry of Culture” of Algeria, in which they called for save cinema. In the letter, the filmmakers said: “We learned from the press about the exclusion of the Film Industry Development Fund in Algeria (FDATIC). Thus, the last mechanisms of public support for Algerian cinema were canceled without providing official information about the future of cinema policy in our country.
The filmmakers added: “We remind you that the Film Support Fund contributes to the funding of Algerian films, whether they are entirely national or in collaboration with international parties, and they have been selected and honored in international festivals. Our work is rich and unique, but now its survival is threatened with the closure of the National Endowment. ”
And the artists continued in a statement: “In practice, the meeting of the public committee for cinema support, which was supposed to be held on September 15 last year, did not take place. The Ministry of Culture also did not ratify the previous committee. After the fund closed, production films were derailed because they did not receive the last portion of their funding, and directors were forced to stop filming overnight and immediately seek funding from abroad to complete their films. and pay for the rights of actors and technicians.
It is noteworthy that the “Film Industry Development Fund” in Algiers aims to support projects of long and short films, documentaries and animation films that meet the technical and technical standards of the film industry.