There are many satellite channels, but only a few of them are dedicated to covering reality. A few days ago, he announced the imminent launch of the Al-Falastiniya satellite channel on the Internet on the anniversary of the assassination of martyr Ghassan Kanafani. This experience is referred to by one of the “creators” of this experience, who wants to remain anonymous. “The reason why Ghassan Kanafani’s memory was chosen to express this effort is not only for the symbolism, significance and importance of memory, but also to highlight the revolutionary school that includes the working group on the new media network this. The Kanafani school is more than individual or intellectual, it is a school of politics, literature and media, and what we might call a school of revolutionary realism. ” The satellite channel will officially launch on October 29 next year to broadcast the response marches. The timing of the launch is due to “the symbolism and meaning of memory and its importance, and the emphasis on the revolutionary school to which the group operating the satellite channel and the party behind it belong,” officials said. “.

The organizers of the satellite say it belongs to the Ghassan Kanafani school and what can be called “revolutionary realism”.

Natural; Some sources indicate that the channel (its US -based Palestinian executive Ramzi Farouk) is close to the “Alternative Palestinian Revolutionary Movement”. But what about the first and most important issue, especially funding? Funding is present as an essential element in the success of any business, in addition to the fact that funding dictates and controls satellite trends. The source points out that Al-Falastiniya is a media network in both English and Arabic, very modest in its capabilities and largely dependent on the role of the personnel involved in this work and on their faith in media, culture and politics. message we want to convey to the world in the face of the racist and hostile discourse and media of Zionism. The source pointed out that “the Palestinian Authority crews should be present to the people, broadcasting their voice in the languages ​​spoken by the Palestinians.” So why “Palestinian”? And why now? A source who is one of the founders of this media experience, an old fighter, confirmed: “As you know, the struggle of the Palestinian people continues to be subject to a system of distortion and sabotage due to the existence of a strong and hostile media. controlled by companies, states and the Zionist movement, and the intention is not to keep up with this powerful media, especially what the media has done. American and Western media, no matter how much we want to expose and expose hostile media and show the Palestinian and Arab narrative. Edward Said and others have written about the need for Arabs to own their media, which is based on facts and not separate from politics and the ability to influence, and the problem has never been the lack of Arab capacity, but lack of political will.

The satellite channel will officially launch on October 29 to broadcast response marches.

Al-Falastiniya focuses on “appealing to Western public opinion”, but not in the way of Arab TV channels, but instead sending to the world the historical Palestinian narrative in the voice of the Palestinians themselves, and not ignoring the day-to-day and current activities in the movement and struggle of the Palestinians for the liberation of their homeland, return and freedom.
How does the network relate to resistance movements in the region? “The channel will be the voice of resistance movements in the region, conveying and clarifying public opinion on the positions of Hezbollah, Jihad, Popular Front, Hamas and Arab popular movements that oppose normalization and refuse to defeat or compromise. order in the Zionist entity by the presence of this voice through its representatives. He will also participate in creating the boycott movement by separating the Zionist entity, rather than separating its role in the media from its political role and its connection to the national liberation movement of the Palestinian people. ”
“Palestine” chose as its slogan “From river to sea… to peace”, which was the most popular slogan of the Palestinian revolution at the time of its inception. Considering that this “romantic” slogan was part of the Palestinian people’s struggle against “concessions” made as a result of the negotiations, “Palestine” came to reflect the pluralism of the Palestinian people what it really is, expressing concerns. of their popular assemblies at home and in the diaspora as a people with a land. This is Palestine, so we chose “From river to sea… to the world” as the network slogan.
In short; It’s an experience trying to be different from the usual and repetitive. An experiment that tries to say what Arab satellite channels, which are government-funded or owned by targeted companies, cannot or do not want to say. “Palestine” is another attempt, it wants to be a pioneering experiment in its own way, even if it remains in the same original ongoing struggles.