HomeEconomyIraqi Oil: The standard purchase document binds national and...

Iraqi Oil: The standard purchase document binds national and international companies to its content and terms

The Undersecretary of the Oil Ministry for Extraction Affairs, Karim Hattab, affirmed the ministry’s interest in organizing work in the oil sector and finding the best formulas and mechanisms of cooperation between national and international companies.

In a statement during the signing ceremony of the standard procurement document approved by international companies that have contracted within the oil licensing rounds, Hattab said that “this document aims to consolidate and streamline procurement operations. all international companies within the licensing rounds, according to the mechanisms and terms prepared and agreed in cooperation with foreign and national companies and by special committees and relevant departments.

He aims to get the approval of the Ministerial Committee on Energy and the Opinion Authority of the Ministry to use this document, noting that “one of the global consultants will be assigned to review this experience after one year, due to best looking we. “

For his part, BP’s head in Iraq, Zaid Al-Yasiri, and the representative of global licensing tour companies, described the signing of this document as a “positive step to improve working mechanisms.”

He pointed out that “this document was prepared between the ministerial committee and the international contracting companies within the licensing contracts, taking into account the experiences of previous years, pointing out that the aim was to find the best method and mechanism for contracting. and acquisition operations, in a way that will help expedite the implementation of oil field development plans ”.

The Director General of the Department of Licensing and Petroleum Contracts of the Iraqi Oil Company, Ali Maarij, praised this document which regulates procurement operations, and which obliges international and national companies to prepare a “proactive plan to develop collaboration mechanisms.

Source: RT

Source: Arabic RT

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