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Ukraine: the German chancellor considers that Portugal has been “exemplary” in the reception of refugees

The German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, considered this Sunday that Portugal has “played an exemplary role” in welcoming Ukrainian refugees, and greeted the Portuguese Prime Minister, António Costa, for a “great achievement” and for the “sign of vision and leadership”. European”.

At the opening ceremony of the Hannover fair -which chose Portugal as a partner country in this year’s edition-, the German chancellor highlighted that European countries are taking in “millions of women, men and children who were forced to flee to the European Union due to the violence in Ukraine”.

“Portugal, in particular with its large Ukrainian community, has played an exemplary role in this matter. This is a great achievement, dear António, and also a sign of European vision and leadership and of your vision and leadership. Thank you very much for that”, said Scholz, addressing António Costa directly, who was listening to him in the audience, being greeted by applause.

Scholz considered that, in the current situation, Germany is witnessing the “greatest transformation” of its economy “since the beginning of industrialization and this occurs at a time when the international situation is the most challenging in recent decades.”

“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine marks the beginning of a new era, not only because this cruel war is happening in our neighborhood, but also because President [da Rússia, Vladimir] Putin wants to return to an era when the rules were dictated by the strongest, when big countries claimed spheres of influence for themselves and small countries had to submit,” he said.

Scholz stressed that “Putin’s imperialism breaks with all the principles that guaranteed decades of peace in Europe”, which is why both the European Union, NATO and the G7 countries reacted “with great unity and resolution in the face of the Russian invasion”, specifically through the weapons office.

Addressing the economic sanctions imposed on Russia, the German chancellor said that these are “well-prepared and coordinated sanctions that are hitting the Russian leadership and economy hard, more and more with each passing day,” with European countries to make sure. not to hit them “more than Putin’s Russia.”

“We are trying to respond to the most negative impacts [da conjuntura internacional] with loans and grants. Even so, there will be costs, but I guarantee you that these costs are much lower than the price that we would all pay if we allowed Putin to carry out his designs, ”he stressed.

With the motto “Portugal makes sense”, Hannover Messe’22 —considered the world’s largest industrial fair— began this Sunday and ends on Thursday, having chosen Portugal as a partner country for this year’s edition.

Russia launched a military offensive in Ukraine on February 24 that has killed more than 4,000 civilians, according to the UN, which warns the true toll is likely to be much higher.

The military offensive has caused the flight of more than eight million people, of whom more than 6.6 million have left the country, according to the latest UN figures.

The Russian invasion was condemned by the international community at large, which responded by sending weapons to Ukraine and tightening economic and political sanctions against Moscow.

Source: Observadora

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