HomeEconomyHaitong raises capital in 2.6 million so that the...

Haitong raises capital in 2.6 million so that the state does not enter

Haitong Bank increased its capital by 2.6 million euros to 847.3 million euros, an operation resulting from the conversion of the rights attributed to the Portuguese State and acquired by Haitong International Holdings, the entity’s sole shareholder.

In a statement published by the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM), the bank, formerly BES Investimento, said that “the increase in its share capital was decided today, as a result of the conversion of the rights attributed to the Portuguese State and acquired by Haitong International Holdings Limited, sole shareholder with voting rights of the Bank, corresponding to the 2015 financial year, issued under the Special Regime applicable to Deferred Tax Assets, approved by Law 98/2019, of September 4 (REAID) ”.

According to the bank, “the share capital increase was carried out in the form of incorporation of the special reserve constituted under section 1 of article 8 of the REAID, for an amount of 2,630,305.00 euros”, through “the issuance of 526,061 ordinary shares, corresponding to the number of conversion rights previously attributed to the Portuguese State and acquired by Haitong International Holdings Limited, with a nominal value of 5.00 euros each”.

Haitong Bank also revealed that “the capital increase has a premium of 757,961.57 euros that is incorporated into a special reserve subject to the legal reserve regime under the terms of article 295 of the Commercial Companies Code.”

Thus, with this operation, “the Bank’s share capital amounts to 847,399,305.00 euros, having modified the Bank’s bylaws accordingly,” he revealed.

“The new shares issued as part of the capital increase were fully attributed to the Bank’s sole voting shareholder, Haitong International Holdings Limited, a company incorporated in Hong Kong, a subsidiary of Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. (a company whose shares are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited), by virtue of the fact that this company has acquired, under the terms and for the purposes of article 10(2) of the REAID, the all the conversion rights attributed to the Portuguese State, relating to the 2015 financial year”, he added.

Haitong Bank also revealed that “the application for registration of the capital increase and the consequent partial modification of the bank’s statutes was filed today at the Commercial Registry Office.”

Source: Observadora

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