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The Italian government adopts a decree to validate detention centers in Albania

The decision adopted will make “the indication of safe countries for repatriation a primary and not a secondary rule.” The goal, the AMI states, is to provide “a law of unambiguous interpretation.”

This Monday, the Italian Government approved a decree-law on the countries of origin of immigrants, with which it hopes to overcome the impasse created by the recent decision of the Court of Rome against its agreement to create detention centers in Albania.

At the end of an extraordinary Council of Ministers this Monday early afternoon, and convened last Friday by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, once the decision of the Rome Court of order the return to Italy of 12 immigrants transferred to detention centers in AlbaniaThe Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, announced the adoption of the decree establishing a list of 19 safe countries.

According to Piantedosi, the The decision adopted will make “the indication of safe countries for repatriation a primary norm, and not a secondary one.”“, as is currently the case with the interministerial decree, with purely administrative value, prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in conjunction with the Ministries of the Interior and Justice, through which the list has been updated annually.

The objective, stated the minister, is to provide “a law of unequivocal interpretation“.

Piantedosi affirmed that the Government took into account the security of the territorial integrity of the countries of origin — which was the basis for the Rome Court’s decision to consider illegal the transfer of irregular immigrants from Bangladesh and Egypt to Albania.

The minister highlighted that three countries were eliminated from the previous list: Cameroon, Colombia and Nigeria.

In its ruling, the Court of Rome justified its decision with a recent decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which, when considering a different case, determined that a country, to be considered safe, must be “homogeneous” throughout the world. territory. world its territory and for all its inhabitants, the judge considering that this was not the case for Bangladesh and Egypt, countries that the Government maintains as “safe” in the new list that will have the force of law.

“This is a European regulation, we have just brought forward its entry into force“, Piantedosi continued, according to which “there are European States that ask that this regulation”, which will come into force in 2026, “be brought forward”.

Currently, there is no common list of safe countries at the European Union level and it is up to each Member State to draw up its own list, which is also not mandatory.

What is at stake is the controversy agreement established between Italy and Albania for the opening, in this Western Balkan country, of two detention centers for immigrants arriving in Italy, with the aim of relieving pressure on the Italian reception system.

The 12 migrants ordered to return to Italy by the Italian court – which happened over the weekend – were the first to be transferred within the scope of this “outsourcing” model, which several EU member states seem determined to replicate. .

The decision of the Court of Rome provoked heated exchanges of words between the executive branch and the judiciary, and several members of the right-wing and far-right Government currently in power accused the Judiciary of being “politicized.”

Source: Observadora

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