HomeEconomyBigeye fishing is prohibited as of this Monday. ...

Bigeye fishing is prohibited as of this Monday. Portugal has exhausted the quota

Bigeye fishing is prohibited as of this Monday, after Portugal has exhausted its quota, indicated the General Directorate of Natural Resources, Security and Maritime Services (DGRM).

Taking into account the current data on landings made by the Portuguese fleet of bigeye tuna (Thunnus Obesus) in the Atlantic Ocean, it seems that the quota assigned to Portugal is exhausted”, reads a statement from the DGRM.

Therefore, the fishing of this species in the area in question is prohibited, as well as the loading, transshipment and unloading of the catches.

The DGRM is a central service of the direct administration of the State, with administrative autonomy, whose purpose is the development of security and maritime services, the execution of fishing policies and the preservation of resources.

Source: Observadora

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