HomeEconomyUnions and RTP management agree salary increase with retroactive...

Unions and RTP management agree salary increase with retroactive payments

The unions represented in RTP reached an agreement with the company management for a salary increase in 2022 of 20.50 euros, retroactive to January 1, according to a joint statement from the union structures.

“After several months of negotiations, the Board of Directors (of RTP) accepted at the end of the afternoon of Tuesday, July 26, the proposal of union wage increase”, read the text.

The union structures that sign the text are the Federation of Engineers (FE), the Federation of Industry and Services Unions (FETESE), the Communications Union of Portugal (SICOMP), the Democratic Union of Post Office, Telecommunications, Media and Services (SINDTELCO), the National Union of Telecommunications and Audiovisual Workers (SINTTAV), the Union of Public Sector Workers (SITESE), the Independent Union of Information and Communications Workers (SITIC), the Union of Journalists (SJ), the Union of Audiovisual Media (SMAV) and the Union of Independent Unions (USI).

These unions said in their statement that “the management of Rádio e Televisão de Portugal also accepted increases the food subsidy for workers from 10.75 to 11 euros where there is no company canteen”.

By early next year, the RTP administration “has also agreed to discuss the possibility of paying a second meal allowance for times that cover both meal periods.”

As a whole, the union structures “welcomed” the administration’s effort to increase wages and the food subsidy, “despite the fact that these achievements are far from compensating for the loss of purchasing power of RTP workers, and the initial proposal made by the unions of the company to be higher”. of what was agreed”.

Earlier, during the afternoon of this Wednesday, another union, the Telecommunications Workers (STT), also a participant in the negotiations, had issued a statement, in which it stated its intention to go “to meet the management bodies to validate the results obtained”. by the Trade Union Bargaining Committee.

In any case, I already considered it the result achieved “is not” what the union “desired”nor “what the RTP workers deserved”, but considers it “positive” and goes “in the right direction”.

Source: Observadora

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