HomeEconomyThe former general director of TAP expresses "confidence" in...

The former general director of TAP expresses “confidence” in Portuguese justice. “No one should have to go through what I went through.”

One day after the action she took against TAP became known, Christine Ourmières Widener breaks her silence. In a note to which the Observer had access, the former general director of TAP, who demands compensation of 5.9 million euros, says she believes in Portuguese justice.

“I have confidence in Portuguese justice and I hope that the whole truth is revealed,” he begins by saying. “Unfortunately, any decision made will not be able to fully repair the enormous personal and reputational damage I have suffered and continue to suffer. “No one should go through what I went through, neither personally nor professionally,” highlights the manager, who was fired after paying compensation of 500,000 euros to Alexandra Reis, which would be considered illegal and would give rise to a commission of investigation. .

Christine Ourmières-Widener has already filed a lawsuit against TAP. Claims 5.9 million

“It was not me who sought the position of CEO of TAP. It was the Government that invited me. “He invited an international manager, with a career on the rise, he guaranteed the payment of a bonus that was decisive for my acceptance and decision to move my entire family to Portugal, he signed a 5-year contract, which was abruptly and unjustifiably interrupted,” says Ourmières Widener, who has since assumed leadership of the company that owns Air Caraibes.

“I always acted with total transparency, in good faith and with total professionalism and presented results never before obtained. I believe in justice, whether in Portugal or abroad. “I have remained silent, out of respect for TAP and its workers, which is why I regret, once again, the Government’s public reaction to the process.”

The Government reacted this Thursday to the action of the former general director of TAP, through the voice of Mariana Vieira da Silva, who stated that the Government is “comfortable” with the decision it made. The Minister of the Presidency recalled that the Government “at the time made the decision based on the IGF report, which was sufficiently solid regarding the issue of decisions taken outside the framework that should have been taken” and, in this sense, “ naturally stands by his decision” to fire the manager. “The Government made a decision based on an absolutely unequivocal report and we are very comfortable with the decision made,” he highlighted.

Regarding the process, Mariana Vieira da Silva considered that “we all have the right to defend ourselves and decide the processes we want to decide.”

Source: Observadora

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