HomeEconomyBrake on credit installments. Marques Mendes wonders "why...

Brake on credit installments. Marques Mendes wonders “why it wasn’t done six months ago” if it doesn’t cost money

Luís Marques Mendes questioned why one of the measures recently announced by the Government to help families – and which will be approved this week – was not taken sooner. This is a discount on the installment calculated based on current interest rates and will be maintained for the next two years. “If this doesn’t cost money to the State Budget, why wasn’t it done before?” asked the former social democratic leader.

In the usual comments space of the SIC, this Sunday, he explained that “in these next two years, when the situation is more critical, [vai] There is a kind of interest moratorium”, in which “a person pays less interest in the next two years and then compensates” by paying a little more. “This has no cost to the State, it is financial engineering,” he added.

Considering it “great” that the measure had been announced, Marques Mendes returned to the question: “Why wasn’t it done six months ago? Sometimes some people needed this help more, one or the other has already lost it. [entretanto] your house at the expense of this“. The commentator also highlighted another measure that the Government announced, which is the increase in “support for interest subsidies in certain circumstances because the support that exists so far is to support 10, 15 thousand families.”

Solution to stop credit installments is welcome, but “it arrives late” and you have to read the fine print

Marques Mendes also argued that the European Central Bank should have started raising interest rates earlier to control inflation, in the week in which Christine Lagarde announced another increase, which could however be the last. Therapy is hard. And maybe it started late,” but the final result “is very good.” The end result is to “reduce inflation.” “You can’t live long with very high inflation.” “What the ECB did was inevitable, now perhaps it should have started earlier.”

Regarding Cavaco Silva’s new book dedicated to the art of governing, Marques Mendes said that the former President of the Republic has “great relevance because every time he speaks or writes or every time he says that he is going to speak or write, it is a great hit”. The political commentator highlighted that what is surprising is not the criticism of those who read the book and do not agree with it, but rather that “a large group of people have spoken about the book without knowing it”, they have spoken without the author having presented the work.

For Marques Mendes this shows “ill will, even some prejudices, even a lack of democratic tolerance.” “When we talk about a former President or a former Prime Minister, I believe that these people not only have the right to speak, but they have the duty to speak or write,” he stated, before highlighting the four absolute majorities and the ten years of Cavaco Silva government.

Source: Observadora

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