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Minister Balseiro Lopes challenges the parties to approve the IRS Jovem

The Minister of Youth and Modernization, Margarida Balseiro Lopes, challenged the opposition parties this Tuesday to approve the Government’s proposal for the young IRS, because keeping young people in Portugal should be a priority for everyone.

“The IRS youth measure is a measure with a great social impact, but also a great financial impact. It is around one billion euros and takes into account the urgency that the country has to settle the younger generations in Portugal,” said Balseiro Lopes, in an interview with Lusa.

The Government proposal provides for a two-thirds cut in the IRS for young people, in order to try to “mitigate frame bleed”from the country.

“This Government does not live with the fact that 30% of young Portuguese people do not currently live here,” said Balseiro Lopes. The “country is losing the most qualified generation of all time and we need that talent here.”

“Two-thirds discount” from the IRS and the State as “guarantor” of the initial payment in the purchase of a house exempt from IMT. Government measures for young people

The proposed change to the IRS is progressive, “this means that whoever earns more, pays more.”

The “Government did not change the progressivity of the tax, it made an equal cut at all levels, a two-thirds cut,” so that “parents and grandparents can see the growth of their children and grandchildren here,” he stated.

Since this is a fiscal issue, it is “the responsibility of parliament to say whether it agrees or disagrees with the Government’s proposal and what it expects is a certain sensitivity on the part of the parties, to understand whether or not the exodus and hemorrhage of young people out of the country is a priority“explained the Minister of Youth, commenting on the criticisms made about the progressive nature of the measure.

“The country’s problem is not that we have young people who earn too much money, it is that we have too many young people who earn poorly and that is what the parties should focus on,” added the minister, who did not want to talk about it. the balance of forces in parliament, but he reaffirmed the executive’s commitment to “resolving the concrete problems of the people.”

“As for young people, there is still a lot to do and the concern must be, firstly, to announce measures, but, secondly, to ensure that these measures reach the lives of young Portuguese, because for too many years announcements were made of inconsequential measures, of measures announced in Power Point“.

The successive announcements without being implemented, he considered, led to “the discredit of political activity” and “the growth of populism is the fertile ground that results from the circumstance that governments are not capable of solving the people’s problems.”

Therefore, as “governor, my concern is to solve the problems and apply what I announce,” he said, recalling the recent approval, by his authority, of the exemption from the Municipal Transmission Tax (IMT) for the purchase of homes by part of young people. people up to 35 years old and the expansion of the conditions of Porta 65 Jovem or the free distribution of personal hygiene products in health centers and schools.

The Government achieves its first victory in Parliament. The exemption from IMT and stamp tax for young people had the support of Chega and the abstention of the PS

This legislative effort will not endanger the balance of the State’s finances, the PSD leader promised.

“Public accounts are an asset of the governments led by the PSD and, therefore, now this is not destiny, it is a condition for the exercise of our mandate and this will not be questioned,” he said, highlighting that these measures are included in the Government program.

“It will not be surprising if the Government wants to deliver its program and therefore this is what we naturally focus on, having Always concerned about the sustainability of public finances.because this is an asset of the governments led by the PSD,” he added.

Source: Observadora

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