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The bad weather will return. Rain, hail and storms place eleven districts on yellow alert starting Thursday

The Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere announced the Worsening weather in mainland Portugal until the end of this week. Eleven districts in the Northern and Central regions were placed under yellow alert for Thursday. On Friday, the alert extends to all districts of the continent, except Faro.

The warnings are valid from Wednesday afternoon, when showers are forecast in the interior of the Northern region, and thunderstorms may also occur, more likely in mountainous areas.

The atmospheric depression with expression at altitude, which causes this instability, then moves towards the south of the country. The weather will worsen from Thursday, with “general instability” in the North and Central regions.

Viana do Castelo, Porto, Braga, Bragança, Vila Real, Aveiro, Viseu and Guarda, Coimbra, Castelo Branco and Leiria were placed under yellow warning – the least serious on a scale of three – due to heavy rainfall, storms and, at times, , hail. , and strong wind.

On Friday conditions worsen and reach their peak. The yellow warning extends that day to all districts of mainland Portugal, except Faro. The IPMA alert ends on Friday, at 11:50 p.m.

During the weekend, the depression moves towards the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, with a gradual improvement in the weather in the country. On Saturday temperatures will rise slightly again and the warnings will be lifted, but precipitation will continue to fall in the north and center of the country. Starting Sunday, no precipitation is expected and there will be a new increase in temperatures.

Source: Observadora

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