HomeEconomyThe RTP administration wants the Audiovisual Contribution to be...

The RTP administration wants the Audiovisual Contribution to be updated to inflation

The president of the RTP Board of Directors stated this Tuesday that he would like to have an Audiovisual Contribution (CAV) “that would be updated in terms of inflation,” since with current values ​​it is difficult to maintain the current channels.

Nicolau Santos spoke in the parliamentary committee on Culture, Communication, Youth and Sports, within the framework of the entity’s hearing.

“I think that with the values ​​we have we cannot continue maintaining eight television channels and seven radio channels, with increases in workers every year, in addition to costs for the purchase of equipment,” among others, said the president of RTP. “We would like to have a CAV that was updated in terms of inflation,” concluded the manager.

Regarding the Strategic Project, Nicolau Santos said that the objective is to “achieve the company’s digital transition.” This “implies an internal reorganization of the company”, as well as the requalification of the profile of professionals and has implications in terms of financing.

Source: Observadora

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