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Automatic exchanges of information between the Tax Agency and tax authorities of other countries amount to 8.2 million

The number of automatic exchanges of information between the Tax and Customs Authority (TA) and its counterparts in other countries exceeded 8.2 million in 2023, most of them related to records sent by Portugal.

These figures are contained in the report on the fight against tax and customs fraud and evasion for 2023, now published.

According to the document, the 8,257,642 automatic exchanges of information between AT and tax administrations of other countries represent an increase of 18% compared to the number recorded in 2022; part of this increase is justified by the corrections reported for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021.

The majority corresponds to the 5,129,417 taxpayer records sent from Portugal to other jurisdictions, while Portugal received 3,128,225 records.

In question are the automatic exchanges of information on income taxes under mechanisms such as those resulting from the transposition of the DAC1, DAC2 and DAC4 directives, as well as the FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) and the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), that is, a common reporting model developed under the auspices of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and also the ‘country-by-country reports’ (CBCr).

The 2023 data indicate that Portugal received and sent information to 98 and 85 jurisdictions, respectively, with Germany, Canada, Spain, France, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom and Switzerland accounting for 79% of the information received and 87% of the information sent.

Source: Observadora

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