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Pensions, civil service salaries and new measures (from the Government and the opposition). The budget for 2025 already includes 5.8 billion in new expenses

The General State Budget for 2025, whose first proposal the Government will deliver on October 10 has already committed 5.773 billion euros in new expenses – without taking into account new measures that can be negotiated. The value is recorded in the so-called “Framework of Invariant Policies”, a document sent by the Ministry of Finance to the deputies and which shows how narrow the room for manoeuvre is in the negotiations that will take place in the coming weeks, in view of the Government’s objective of presenting a surplus budget, even if it is small.

In addition to calculating the total value of the new expenditure already promised for 2025, the Government specifies the different measures (and their approximate budgetary impact) that will serve as a basis for the increase in costs borne by the public treasury. Among the 5.773 billion are: 1.512 million euros in new measures already presented by the new Government but also about half of that amount in measures approved by opposition parties in parliament.

Strictly speaking, they are 740 million euros in new expenses This is related to measures approved despite the plans of the minority government led by Luís Montenegro. In addition to the increase in VAT on electricity (110 million) and the exemption of tolls for the former SCUT (180 million), 450 million euros in new expenses associated with changes in the IRS are also recorded.

In turn, the measures already announced by this Government add up to some 1.5 billion, with a clear emphasis on the expenditure (loss of income) expected with the new IRS Joven – 1,000 million euros. There remain the costs of the agreements with teachers and security forces (177 million and 165 million, respectively) and also measures such as the increase in the Solidarity Supplement for the Elderly (70 million), the exemption from IMT and Stamp Duty on the purchase of first homes for young people up to 35 years of age (60 million) and the increase in the IRS contribution (40 million).

Most of the 5.773 billion new expenditure is, however, related to the so-called “measures Continue“, that is, costs that arise from policies where there have been no changes but which, by their design, imply an increase in spending in the next year. Only the The periodic updating of pensions represents an additional 1,033 million euros in public spending, an amount to which is added 477 million due to the increase in the average pension and the variation in the number of pensioners.

You Civil service salaries They will also entail higher costs: 597 million euros is what the increases associated with the Agreement on the Valorisation of Public Administration Workers will cost – and an additional 448 million euros justified by progressions, promotions and the annual increase in the National Minimum Wage.

The different measures and their respective costs are detailed in the table sent by Minister Joaquim Miranda Sarmento to the deputies:

Source: Ministry of Finance (values ​​with – indicate budget savings)

This budget document, which includes the so-called “Invariant Policy Framework”, reached the deputies on Friday, after Pedro Nuno Santos sent a letter to the Prime Minister talking about the budget negotiations that will gain momentum in the coming weeks.

The information sent by the Ministry of Finance does not, however, include the assessment that the Government will make on the evolution of income next year. The only thing identified is the increase in income associated with the increase in salaries and pensions, which will “return” 728 million to the State coffers, and, in addition to this item, it is said that the reduction of payments in road PPPs will save the State 350 million.

The State Budget for 2025 is being negotiated and is already loaded with 2.5 billion. The measures that weigh on the coffers

Source: Observadora

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