HomeEconomyCork workers protest again on Monday for better wages

Cork workers protest again on Monday for better wages

Cork workers are demonstrating on Monday morning in front of the premises of the Portuguese Cork Association (Apcor) in Santa Maria de Lamas, demanding “fair and dignified” wage increases, a union source announced on Friday.

In a statement, the Portuguese Federation of Construction, Ceramics and Glass Trade Unions (Feviccom) said that the meeting, which follows another one held on July 31, is scheduled for 11:00 a.m., while wage negotiations with the employers’ association are taking place inside the Apcor facilities.

The unions argue that Apcor “insists on maintaining its position and turning a deaf ear to the demands of workers.”

Cork industry workers are demanding wage increases for the entire sector and an end to the “psychological torture” they say they are subjected to in order to give up their rights.

“Corticeiras in struggle – Don’t steal from us anymore”, “For some it’s millions; for others it’s not even a cent” and “Enough of psychological torture. We must respect the workers” were some of the messages written on the banners of the protest held in July.

When wage negotiations began in April, the North Cork Workers’ Union demanded a monthly increase of €72 in wages and €1.46 in food allowance. Meanwhile, Apcor – which represents 230 companies in the sector, 80% of national production of this raw material and 85% of the respective exports – counter-proposed an increase of 21 cents in meals and €36 in wages until December and €60 thereafter.

“We do not accept this. The minimum we are willing to accept is an increase of 60 euros per month, which is the value of the update that took place in January for the national minimum wage, stipulated by decree,” said the president of the union, Alírio Amorim, in statements to the Lusa agency during the protest in July.

Contacted by Lusa, Apcor said it had no comment on the ongoing negotiations.

Source: Observadora

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