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Less than three years. The president of the Lisbon district believes that the BES trial should last “half” that of the BPN

Lisbon district judge Artur Cordeiro believes the BES case trial will be shorter than the BPN one, noting less than three years in court. “In my opinion, and also taking into account the people who are involved and the great capacity they have, I would shorten it to less than half. [do julgamento do BPN, que durou sete anos] “, stated Artur Cordeiro, in the program blind justice from Rádio Observador, written by journalists Luís Rosa and Luís Soares.

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The judge goes further and even believes that the trial time is “less than half” that of the BPN. “I hope it’s less than that. Honestly, I think that’s how it will be,” he would reinforce.

The shorter duration is due, explains Artur Cordeiro, to the reduction of “dead time that was lost in the search for evidence to show to witnesses, in remote communication with witnesses, experts or other accidental participants in the process who cannot be present.” present.”

“Even in the assessment of the evidence and in the writing of the ruling, all of them are innovations that greatly shorten the duration and allow a correct assessment that would otherwise be impossible,” concluded Artur Cordeiro.

Source: Observadora

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