HomeEconomyThe Government has already met with IAG and Lufthansa....

The Government has already met with IAG and Lufthansa. He will meet with Air France and hopes to recover some of the money from the sale of TAP

There are three stakeholders in TAP. IAG and Lufthansa have already been heard. Air France/KLM will be heard in October, Joaquim Miranda Sarmento, Minister of Finance, said this Wednesday in an interview with SIC Notícias.

“From there we will design our TAP sales proposal,” assumed Miranda Sarmento, stating that “we will be able to find a partner for TAP.”

This during 2025, admits the Minister of Finance, stating that at this moment it is impossible to say how much the State will be able to recover. But he assumed: “We intend to recover an important part if not at the beginning, over a long period.”

However, new valuations were requested, but a possible sale for one euro was rejected. “The company is worth much more than that.” This is despite the fact that TAP SGPS has not yet been resolved.

What remains to be cleaned in the house left with TAP’s problems

Regarding the airport, he acknowledges that before he believed that the best solution was Portela plus Montijo. But he says he supports Alcochete’s decision.

At great speed, the elected PPP regime is defended by Miranda Sarmento. “It was a decision by the previous Government,” but “if the road APPs went very badly, there are other APPs that went well, speaking of health. Therefore, do not judge the model. “The high-speed project was suitable for the country.” “When we arrived, the process was advanced and going back would mean losing many years.”

Source: Observadora

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