HomeEconomyFnam asks the Government to continue listening to doctors...

Fnam asks the Government to continue listening to doctors about the claims

The National Federation of Doctors called on the Government this Monday to continue listening to doctors about salaries, to make hiring competitions national again for everyone, and insisted on “serious and competent negotiation.”

Among the main demands, the National Federation of Doctors (Fnam) proposes that the competition for the hiring of doctors be national again and not only for General, Family Medicine and Public Health doctors for the National Health Service.

Fnam challenges centralized powers in local health units (ULS) as they were done this year for the first time.

“Although Ana Paula Martins recognized her mistake, the Ministry of Health proposes resuming the previous model, with national powers. However, it proposes the reversal only for General, Family Medicine and Public Health, insisting on maintaining the failed model for hospital doctors,” maintains the union force, cited in a statement.

According to Fnam, the Ministry of Health also proposed to “introduce, without valid basis, for the ranking of candidates for General, Family Medicine and Public Health, the weighted arithmetic average of 40% of the classification obtained in the medical career and 60% % of the final evaluation of the medical internship.”

“Therefore, it is foreseeable that hospital doctors will continue to wait more than half a year for placement competitions. During this period they will perform specialist functions, but with a remuneration corresponding to that of interns, lower than their grade,” he highlights.

Fnam recalls that it had already warned that, The hiring of doctors who began their career in the SNS in June “delayed and made it difficult for them to join on time.”culminating in the flight to the private and foreign sector.”

In the proposal presented by the guardianship, about three months after the last meeting, the union force highlights that “inequalities also persist among hospital candidates, since the selection criteria are different between the juries, permeable to favoritism, and the placement of specialists and consultants who compete for positions.” “same competition for the same vacancies.”

“Therefore, these doctors will continue to terminate their contract and look for other options outside the NHS and the country.. Insisting on maintaining this model will only fuel the departure of hospital specialists from the SNS,” he observes.

Regarding the proposed remuneration supplement for doctors who perform the function of Health Authority, Fnam recalls that it only covers the universe of about 300 doctors.

“We demand from the Ministry of Health a serious and competent negotiation with the entire health sector, so that the SNS [Serviço Nacional de Saúde] not to continue neglecting doctors and other health professionals, in order to guarantee universal, public, accessible and quality health care for the entire population,” affirms the union force.

Fnam will meet again with the Ministry of Health on November 4 at around 4:00 p.m. “to continue negotiating the proposals for the current diplomas.”

Source: Observadora

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