HomeEconomyBasta leaves the Government's IRC suspended and presses for...

Basta leaves the Government’s IRC suspended and presses for an increase in pensions

Chega will not vote against the IRC Government’s proposal, which the PS will reject, but will continue to try to fight for the Democratic Alliance to return to the reduction of 2 percentage points which was planned before the negotiations with Pedro Nuno Santos. In addition, he will present a proposal to increase pensions and is willing to evaluate the measures of other parties; If he joins the PS, he may even make another measure viable again against Montenegro’s wishes.

Asked by Observador about the possibility of voting with the PS on the IRC proposal, deputy Rui Afonso, one of those responsible for Chega’s budget process, assured that the party “would never vote against a tax reduction proposal.” . Even so, he does not take the vote in favor for granted because he wants to understand how far the Government is willing to go.

“The 1% IRC reduction was included in the PS counterproposal to make the State Budget viable. However, the PS adopted a contrary position. We will work to ensure that our proposal to reduce the CRI by 2% is made possible by the PSD. Otherwise, we will try to negotiate to improve the Government’s proposal regarding the IRC,” explained the deputy, highlighting that “the PSD cannot forget that it is failing in one of its main electoral promises“.

After André Ventura recognized, in an interview with Ahora, the possibility of making a pension increase proposed by the PS viable, Chega affirms that this possible measure will have to be analyzed “from a budgetary point of view”, but admits the possibility of trying it . improve it. “We will also present our own proposal to increase pensions,” says Rui Afonso, adding that the party is “the in favor of increasing pensionswhether extra or permanent”, even leaving open the possibility of siding with the socialists again.

Also in IRS Jovem, Rui Afonso guaranteed that Chega will make the Government’s proposal viable, after changes in the negotiations with the PS, which provoked criticism from André Ventura. After abandoning the negotiations on the State Budget, the president of Chega assumed that if the Government wanted to eliminate IRS Jovem and the IRC from the document and make a rectification or a legislative project that contains these tax agreements, his party would approve it.

PS will vote against the IRC in the specialty, but is still evaluating whether to advance with a proposal for an extra increase in pensions

Source: Observadora

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