The series “Emily in Paris”, which takes place in the city of lights and love, the French capital Paris, created a state of interest in the locations where Emily Cooper, the heroine of the series, played by the British actress Lily Collins. .

The series, which the Netflix platform is preparing for the presentation of its third part, revolves around the story of an American girl who specializes in marketing through “Social Media”, whose company she works for decides to send her to a of its branches. in Paris, and her life revolves between the fascination for the beauty of the city, and the professional and emotional problems that accompany it.
Emily’s character’s apartment in the series is located inside the “Place de l’Estrapade”, an apartment building located in the 5th arrondissement of the French capital. The great impact of the series made Google add this address to its maps with respect to Paris, so if someone wanted to visit that apartment on the ground, they would only have to write “Emily Cooper’s apartment”, through Google Maps, and Maps will guide you. to the place, according to instructions.