After the international star ‘La Rossi’ released his new song ‘Cinnamon’, which achieved great diffusion in the world, especially in his mother country Holland first and in Morocco second, where his father is from, the song currently lead the Lebanese. market through local radio and screens and social networking sites.

A Dutch Laroussi of Moroccan origin, added to the noisy song, full of life and happy atmosphere, some Arabic words written by the poet Fadi Al-Asaad, in a clear indication of her roots and attachment to her Arab origins.
While the song was written in English by nine-time Grammy winner Philip Lawrence and Davey Nathan, it’s worth noting that LaRose also co-wrote it.
The song, imbued with enchanting oriental music, was shot as a video clip under the direction of Lebanese director Adel Sarhan in Lebanon, who was inspired by the idea of ​​working with cinnamon, which steals its aroma from the city of Tangier. , which is filled with the love of life, dance and the clamor of traditional customs, especially at weddings. Laroussi appears in different charming blocks within dance performance panels that show her lightness and professionalism in both dancing and singing.
Larusi, a lover of art and music, has achieved successive successes through his works in the Netherlands and the United States of America, among which the song Lost stands out, which he presented in 2018 and ranked fourth on the Billboard Dance American. She also has many albums to her credit, including “A Renewed Summer,” which achieved exceptional success, and “Midway Home” in 2005, which won both the Golden Disc Award and the Edison Award.