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‘West Wing’ and ‘Vep’ Players Raise Funds to Help Wisconsin Democrats Defeat Ron Johnson

It’s a special pass episode that no one wants, but we still get it as the Hollywood Democrats hit the panic button before the November midterms.

NBC actors west wing and HBO Vice President It will gather for a living donation to help the Wisconsin Democrats beat Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) in the midterm elections and prevent Republicans from taking control of the Senate.

The most recent fundraising call was that a recent poll found Senator Johnson’s radical leftist and weak opponent, Lt. State Mandela Barnes (D) and even show a slight difference.

According to Breitbart News, a recent Trafalgar Group poll showed the incumbent senator is ahead by 48.7 percent of prospective voters, just over two percentage points, with Barnes leading 46.5 percent. Barnes said he “absolutely” wants to free half of the prisoners in Wisconsin.

The Wisconsin fundraiser boasts a number of celebrities repeating its scenario of pouring Hollywood money into the state in 2020.

west wing Join stars like Bradley Whitford, Martin Sheen, Allison Janney and Richard Schiff Vice President The actors, led by Julia Louis-Dreyfus, at a virtual event on October 9 at 8 PM.

“Anything you donate will be used to defeat Republicans like Ron Johnson this November so that Mitch McConnell does not regain control of the U.S. Senate,” the fundraiser’s website says.

in a comment hollywood reporterJulia Louis-Dreyfus echoed the Democrats’ popular refrain that democracy is under threat from the MAGA Republicans.

“We have joined forces west wing “Because the victory in Wisconsin this November is critical to the survival of American democracy,” he said.. “Also, when the MAGA-Republicans were defeated and democracy flourished, Vice President it looks funnier and less sad.”

The fundraising call serves as dead weight for Democrats who lost the ticket as President Joe Biden’s approval rating continues to drop to an inappropriate level.

According to Breitbart News, Biden’s approval rating is low on every major issue listed in the latest The Economist/YouGov poll. The poll showed that overall approval of Biden fell seven percent, with 51 percent of the majority looking at him negatively, compared to 44 percent favoring him.

Source: Breitbart

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