HomeOpinionSonora de Vieira do Minho Festival crosses borders to...

Sonora de Vieira do Minho Festival crosses borders to Spain and Italy

The itinerant and international festival of the province of Sonora, based in Vieira do Minho, Braga, starts on Wednesday, in Leiria, and lasts until September, with visits to Macedo de Cavaleiros, Castelo Branco, Faial, Spain and Italy, he announced the organization.

The presentation of the 2023 edition of the Veneza Sonora Festival took place in the Câmara de Vieira do Minho, district of Braga, with the presence of the local mayor, António Cardoso (PSD), and those responsible for the artistic direction and general coordination of the event, Dalila Teixeira, pianist and cultural manager, and Vanessa Pires, graduate in music (cello) at the Superior School of Music and Performing Arts of Porto.

“The heart of the Provincial Festival of Sonora beats in Vieira do Minho from where it flows to Leiria, Zamora (Spain), Macedo de Cavaleiros [Bragança]Valtellina (Italy), Castelo Branco and [ilha do] Faial, affirming the spirit of roaming, decentralization and internationalization”, underlines the organization.

From March to September, this festival aims, according to the organizers, “to unite customs and sounds in a musical journey”, adding that, “allied to this concept, and taking into account the nature that surrounds it”, the Provincial Festival of Sonora ” It has a strong connection with the preservation of the territory and environmental causes”.

On March 22 and 23, the co-production Festival Música em Leiria takes place, with a performance by the pianist António Rosado and the cellist Filipe Quaresma (22), at the Palácio dos Ataídes, at 7:30 p.m., the time that, the following year, , Nuno Pinto, clarinet, and Bernardo Soares, piano, perform at the Miguel Franco Theater.

On July 15, in Zamora, Spain, António Rosado and Filipe Quaresma perform at the Fundación Rei Afonso Henriques at 10:00 p.m. and, the next day, at the same time, the Bando de Surunyo, a group specializing in music from the Centuries XVI and XVII, acts. , in the Church of São Pedro, in Macedo de Cavaleiros, district of Bragança.

Several concerts and performances are scheduled for Vieira do Minho between July 21 and 23.

On the 21st, Lívia & Fred, a voice and guitar duo, will perform at Praça Guilherme de Abreu, at 10:00 p.m.

The following day is scheduled for the performance of Martin Sued (bandoneon) on the Camino Anissó-Soutelo, at 10:00 am; at 5:30 p.m., “Music for Women”, with the “Family Concert” at Casa de Lamas; at 7 pm it is the turn of António Rosado and Felipe Quaresma at Casa de Lamas and at 10 pm, “Ensemble Provincial and Local Artists”, at Praça Guilherme de Abreu.

The programming continues on March 23 with the Podcast “Efeitos Collaterais, con invitados especiales”, at Casa das Lamas, at 11:00 a.m., while Nuno Pinto and Bernardo Soares give a concert at Casa de Lamas, at 7:00 p.m. :30 hours, and Martin Sued and Orquestra Asymptomática perform at 10:00 pm at Praça Guilherme de Abreu.

On July 25, the Provincia Sonora 2023 Festival arrives in Valtellina (Italy), the day on which António Rosado and Felipe Quaresma offer a concert at the Scuole Valdisotto Auditorium, at 10:00 p.m.

On September 8 and 9, the festival continues in Castelo Branco, at 9:30 p.m., at the Center for Contemporary Culture, with a concert by Daniel Bernardes (piano), Filipe Quaresma and João Barradas (accordion), together in the “Vignette project”. The next day, in the same place, at 4:00 p.m., the podcast “Efeitos Collaterales” will be held, with special guests.

The last appointment on the island of Faial (Azores) is scheduled for September 28, with a concert by Daniel Bernardes, Filipe Quaresma and João Barradas (“Vignette”), in the Auditorium of the Public Library and Regional Archive of Horta, at 9:00 p.m.: 00.

Source: Observadora

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