HomeOpinionScientists deny explanations about the bodies of "aliens"

Scientists deny explanations about the bodies of “aliens”

In a story that went viral, the bodies of “aliens” were presented to the Mexican Congress on Tuesday, September 12. So is there any real science behind this strange phenomenon? Not so, according to scientists who condemned the claim and confirmed that the bodies were not aliens.

The Mexican Congress has held hearings on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), which are now used to identify UFOs. UAPs have also been the subject of hearings in the US Congress for the last two years.

During the presentation, the team, including Mexican journalist Jaime Mossán and military doctor José de Jesus Zalce Benitez, presented two corpses no more than 1 meter tall, with thin, gray skin and large heads. They said DNA tests showed that the remains of this three-toed creature were not human and that they contained eggs in their abdomen that could be used for reproduction. The duo also said the bodies came from Peru and that radiocarbon testing showed the bodies were 1,000 years old, National Public Radio reported.

The same organizations made headlines in 2017 and 2018, Mossan told LiveScience in an email. At the time, scientists condemned these bodies, which were created by manipulating parts of the human body. Mossan told Live Science that new tests have since shown that the bodies were not human. He also emphasized that he is not saying that these bodies are necessarily extraterrestrial, they are not human.

“We never said they were aliens,” Mossan said, adding that inside the bodies they found evidence of implants made of the elements osmium and cadmium, “a technology that was unknown 1,000 years ago.” Live Science was unable to reach de Jesus Salz Benitez at the time of publication.

Mexican journalist Jaime Moussan stands next to two “inhumans” before a press conference at the Camino Real Hotel in Mexico City, Mexico, on September 13, 2023. The press conference was held a day after the first public meeting of the country’s Congress. Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UFA) hearing (Image credit: Daniel Cárdenas/Anadolu Agency, via Getty Images)

Scientists deny the claims

“Let me tell you, this is all complete nonsense,” Rafael Bojalil-Parra, director of research and development at the Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAD) in Mexico City, told Live Science via email. “The fact that our Congress held a forum for this self-proclaimed UFO scientist is a reflection of the anti-science sentiment prevalent in our country today.”

There was information in some mass media that body tests were carried out at the ICJ. However, Bojalil-Parra said the university did not conduct any DNA testing and that a carbon-14 test was conducted in 2017, but a commercial agreement prevented the university from releasing the results.

Characteristically, if the bodies were aliens, the carbon-14 test would be useless. “Radiocarbon dating relies on carbon-14 atoms produced when solar radiation hits the Earth’s upper atmosphere,” David Anderson, an associate professor of anthropology at Radford University who has written extensively on pseudoarchaeology, told Live Science via email. “To date aliens using radiocarbon dating, we need to know what the 14-C production rate is on their home planet, not ours.”

Other scientists have also denied these claims. “It’s sad to see Jaime Mossan’s debunked claims for a return to the Internet,” Andrew Nelson, chair of the anthropology department at Western University in Ontario, told Live Science via email. Nelson said the bodies had been “disproved on the basis of anatomy” and that research had shown that some bodies “represented human mummies that had been deliberately manipulated to appear alien.” For example, they show that the “alien’s” feet were created by amputating the foot of a human mummy.

“The feet would have suffered injuries to toes I and V, as well as cuts to the skin and soft tissue behind the toes, resulting in extremely long toes,” says vertebrate paleontologist Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi of the Vertebrate Institute. . Caetano Heredia University and Lima Natural History Museum wrote in a 2017 analysis.

“Although Mossan claims to have CT, C-14 and DNA evidence, it has not submitted this evidence to peer review by a scientific community,” Nelson said. Nelson added that if the remains are truly 1,000 years old and from Peru, it raises the question of whether they were looted and how they left the country.

Another scientist stated that if the remains belong to humans, those involved in these allegations should face legal consequences. “They should be arrested and prosecuted under any laws that apply to the exploitation or desecration of human remains,” Ken Feder, a professor of archeology at Central State University in Connecticut, told Live Science via email.

Jeb Card, an assistant professor of anthropology at Miami University in Ohio, said the hearings in Mexico occurred in part because the U.S. Congress is holding high-profile hearings on the UAP. There has been testimony before the U.S. Congress by former military officials that the U.S. government has biological remains of aliens, although “no one has yet taken alien bodies to the U.S. Capitol,” Card told LiveScience in an email.

The rise in popularity of conspiracy theories helps explain why things like this happen, Card said. “The reality is that it is now profitable, figuratively and literally, to promote the idea of ​​‘elites’ imposing their will on the broader population through insidious, conspiratorial, and sometimes supernatural means.”

Live Science reached out to Peru’s Ministry of Culture, which did not respond to requests for comment at the time of publication. Source

Source: Port Altele

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