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PCP says that it is being the target of a “global operation” in “all life plans” to weaken the party

The communists that are part of the Central Committee of the PCP met this weekend and, in addition to the strong criticism of the Government and the demand for the end of the sanctions, they reached another conclusion – this less publicized one: a “global operation” against the PCP.

The thesis was not mentioned by Jerónimo de Sousa when he explained to the journalists, this Tuesday, the conclusions of the meeting. But it is detailed in Large version of the communique on the meeting of communist leaders, and explains that the “anti-communist offensive” that the PCP usually claims exists is growing and expanding more and more, drawing a dramatic picture for the party.

“More than one succession of campaigns—which “has been verified” and which has worsened in recent years, the text guarantees— “what is directed against the party is a global operation.” On various levels, the communists say: “An operation that incorporates the development of instruments of domination disseminating information through powerful means of propagationand that counts on the multiplication of centers of ideological production increasingly concentrated, invading all levels of life, with the aim of isolating the party and weaken his influence.”

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This plan to weaken the party happens because the PCP is the “obstacle and main enemy” and “preferred target to kill” of the “system of capitalist domination”, continues the text. That is why he points to the latest “campaigns” against the party: for the PCP, this offensive “took on a new dimension around the COVID-19 epidemic“.

Then, the party assures, it was the “slander against PCP leaders”, aggravating even more with the alleged misinformation and lies on the opposition of the PCP to the General State Budgets for 2022″. At the time, the party even created a page on its website specifically dedicated to dismantling the so-called “myths and lies” that were said and written about the fact that it had decided to fail the last OS, always ensuring that the political crisis that followed . was deliberately provoked by the PS and that the PCP did not want to overthrow the government.

But the campaigns against the PCP continue, says the party: “Now, with a more hateful expression, around the war in Ukraine“, for the party there is a “meticulous articulation between the objectives defined by big capital and its instruments of political and ideological domination placed at the service of this strategy, with a view to walk away from the PCP of a more decisive intervention at the national level, to denigrate its project, objectives and ideal”.

In other words, the PCP considers, on the one hand, that the sanctions against Russia they are harming Portuguese workers (given the impact they have on the economy and on price inflation) and being taken advantage of by large economic groups to obtain more profits; and, on the other hand, that the reduction of the influence of the PCP —which has already been taking place since it lost almost half of the caucus in the January legislatures— is also achieved through the portrayal that has been made of the position of the party in the war in Ukraine (a position that the PS believes, precisely, that can weaken the party among workers and hinder the mobilization of social protest in the streets).

For the PCP, this boils down to an offensive with an “anti-communist bent” with “broader anti-democratic goals and projects”, to which the party now wants to respond by linking up with the workers and the masses, “seeking there not only support, but also the elements of confidence and strength that will be projected in the his action and struggle.

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With less space in Parliament, there is “new requirements” for the party, recognize the leaders, and “a more negative outlook for the evolution of the economic and social situation.” But there are also more “real possibilities” of “intervention, political initiative and expansion of the fightthat will materialize in the short term, they assure. Or, as Jerónimo told reporters on Tuesday morning, “inevitably” there will be more protests and social protest, given the difficulties, especially economic ones, that the war helped create.

For now, the PCP makes a request in the statement addressed to its militants: taking into account the context of loss of political influence and, for the party, of a “global” attack on the communists, it is necessary to strengthen the PCP, its “media and resources”, their militants and their social influence. With more and more media independence, but also with more mobilization of the workers and the people “for the struggle”.

Source: Observadora

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