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Approves urgent parliamentary hearing of DGS, INSA, INE and minister on mortality

The parliamentary health commission approved this Wednesday the emergency hearing of the General Directorate of Health, the National Institute of Statistics, the Ricardo Jorge Institute and the Ordem dos Médicos on mortality data from all causes,

the requirement had been presented by the PSD, was approved with the abstention of the PCPas well as another request presented by Chega for the hearing of the Minister of Health on the mortality figures in Portugal in 2020.

The data released by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) last month in the first year of the pandemic registered 7,125 deaths from Covid-19, representing 5.8% of all deaths in the country and constituting the second cause of deathafter diseases of the circulatory system.

The data indicates a 4.2% increase in deaths from stroke, with a total of 11,439 deaths, more than Covid-19 (7,125), which was the second leading cause of death in Portugal.

According to the INE, in 2020 diseases of the circulatory system were the ones that killed the most in Portugal, with 34,593 deaths (+2.9%). Of these, the INE highlights the increase in deaths from stroke (11,439) and, on the other hand, the decrease in deaths from ischemic heart disease (6,838) and acute myocardial infarction (4,086).

Already diseases of the respiratory system, which according to the definition of the World Health Organization for the international statistical classification of diseases do not include covid-19, killed 11,266 people.

However, during the week it was announced that for the first time in recent decades more than 10,000 deaths were recorded in the month of Maya swing more common in the winter months.

There were 1,500 more deaths than the average for the last five years.

At Wednesday’s meeting of the Parliamentary Health Commission, the PCP’s request for an urgent hearing from the Minister of Health on the hiring of professionals for the National Health Service was also unanimously approved.

Source: Observadora

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