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Enough of progress with the parliamentary appreciation of the Statute of the National Health Service

The Basta Parliamentary Group will request parliamentary appreciation of the SNS Statute, considering that “does not solve any underlying problem” Y “creates additional problems” of transparency, also pointing out doubts about the constitutionality of the diploma.

In a statement, the party announces that “this afternoon it will present a request for parliamentary consideration of the Decree-law issued by the President of the Republic, under the terms of article 4, number 1, subsection h) of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of the Republic, with a view to its substantial modification.

“The promulgation by the President of the Republic of the new statute of the SNS, published this Thursday in the Diário da República, does not solve any fundamental problem of the Portuguese health system and creates additional problems from the point of view of transparency and efficiency“, criticizes Chega.

Noting that “along with some technical details, such as the new ‘public institutions of special regime’the system is even more vulnerable to corruption and fraud without control and supervision mechanisms that would be fundamental in this leadership”, the deputies of the extreme right-wing party consider that “there are, in this matter, well-founded doubts about the constitutionality and legality of the title”.

“The lack of means, the distortion of financial resources and the stratospheric levels of waste and fraud continue, while new powers are assigned or the previous ones are expanded, without any indication of how they can be carried out,” Chega lists.

The Regulations of the Assembly of the Republic establish that “the request for examination of the decree-laws for the purpose of extinction or reform must be signed by 10 deputies.” As the Enough Parliamentary Group is made up of 12 deputies, they are enough to move forward.

The President of the Republic promulgated the SNS Statute on Monday, considering that “it would be incomprehensible” to delay it, and urged the Government to streamline its regulation and clarify ambiguous points, under penalty of losing “a unique opportunity.”

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa: “It was essential to promulgate” a diploma of the SNS statute

“The intention has positive aspects,” he stressed, but the Government diploma “raises doubts” in three aspects “that must be taken into account”: “The time, the idea of ​​the executive directorate and the combination between centralization in that Directorate and the promises of the decentralization of health”, says the note published on the website of the Presidency of the Republic.

Based on these three points, the President of the Republic warned the Socialist Executive to “accelerate its regulation, clarify what remains to be clarified, find a framework and statute that gives the executive management a future and combine its powers with the objective of decentralization”. .in health”.

Also on this day, the Liberal Initiative said that it wanted parliamentary appreciation of the SNS Statute, which it considers proposing “Lots of doubtsand not responding to health needs, and called on the PSD to join this request for which 10 deputies are needed.

Source: Observadora

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