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President of the Republic promulgates a new legal regime for foreigners in Portugal

The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, promulgated this fifth-fair or legal entry regimepermanence, departure and affront of foreigners from the national territory, hoping that “some inexatidões formais possam vir to be protected opportunely“.

According to a note published on the official website of the Presidency of the Republic on the internet, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa enacted a new legal regime “emphasizing the importance of the implementation of the Agreement on Mobility among the Member-States of the Community of the Portuguese-Language Countries, signed in Luanda , on July 17, 2021″.

Augusto Santos Silva assinala 26 years of the CPLP foundation

No entanto, or chef de Estado hopes that “some of the questões assinaladas us written contributions sent to the Assembleia da República, appointed by the National Data Protection Commission and, as well, that some formal inaccuracies could be safeguarded in a timely manner.”

The diploma followed this day by the Assembleia da República for the Palácio de Belém after being approved in the final global vote on July 21, with votes in favor from PS, PCP, BE and Livre, abstentions from PSD, IL and PAN, and absence of Chega — who left the hemicycle that day in protest against the conduct of two jobs by the president of parliament, Augusto Santos Silva.

A week later, in declarations to journalists, the President of the Republic promised a “immediate promulgation” of this diploma that is based on a proposal of the Government’s law.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa estimated that the diploma could be delivered to the Palácio de Belém this week and indicated that he would “certainly” promulgate it “before the month of August”, entering “logo to continue in force”.

“It will be promulgated immediately. I don’t have any doubts, I don’t have a vote against no parliament and I had a majority esmagadora to vote in favor, it represents a national consensus“, compromised, and considered that “it didn’t make sense to dramatize the questão das migrações”.

In the proposal of the Government that alters the legal regime of entry, permanence, departure and arrival of foreigners from the national territory, among other aspects, it is determined that the granting of visas of residence and temporary stay to national citizens of a State in which it is in force, the Community Agreement of Portuguese-Language Countries (CPLP) does not depend on the prior opinion of the SEF, “without prejudice to the granting of visas to be communicated to the SEF, for the purposes of exercising its competences in the matter of internal security”.

A change that the executive says is the result of the mobility agreement signed by all the member States of the CPLP at the last summit of state chefs of the organization in July of last year, in Luanda.

With this diploma, or the Government still intends to establish “procedures that allow attracting a regulated and integrated immigration for the development of the countrychange the way in which the public administration relates to immigrants and guarantee integration conditions for immigrants.

For this reason, the Government wants to advance with the creation of a title of limited duration that allows the legal entry of immigrants in Portugal with the objective of seeking work, simplifying procedures and opening the possibility of obtaining temporary or residence permits ” I will also have the purpose of providing remote work, as or accompanying two family members qualified with the respective titles”.

“This proposed law eliminates the existence of a global contingent of employment opportunities to be fixed by the Council of Ministers, for the purpose of granting a visa to obtain a residence permit for the exercise of subordinate professional activity”, it is added in the exposition of reasons for the diploma

Source: Observadora

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