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Sindepor accuses the Ministry of Health of “lack of respect” for not confirming the meeting

The Democratic Union of Nurses of Portugal (Sindepor) on Tuesday accused the Ministry of Health of “lack of respect” for not confirming a meeting that was scheduled for Wednesday, which would serve to conclude a negotiation process, which began in May.

“They did not confirm, they did not cancel or postpone. A meeting that must be conclusive on the negotiation process, which began in May, with a view to resolving the injustices to which nurses have been victims, over the years, in the attribution of points that allow progress in the career” says Sindepor in a statement. release

In the text entitled “Manuel Pizarro starts badly”, referring to the new Minister of Health, the union says that “the contempt and lack of respect from the Ministry of Health affects, first of all, all the nurses who work in the SNS, but also the unions that have already met six times, first with the Minister Marta Temido and the Secretaries of State Lacerda Sales and María de Fátima Fonseca, having held the following five meetings with the latter ruler”.

“We do not accept that the work in which we have put our best effort may be in vain. But we already noticed that the previous rulers of the Ministry of Health are doing poorly and the new minister also starts badly, ”he warns.

“In a matter of the greatest importance, the Ministry of Health, now headed by Manuel Pizarro, has no word for nurses. Sindepor hopes that the new government official can correct this position as soon as possible and conclude this process, in accordance with the commitments made”, he adds.

Sindepor also recalls that the nurses do not tolerate “a repetition of what happened in 2019, when the negotiation of a Collective Bargaining Agreement went down the drain”, affirming that “if the unthinkable happens” —if the process is not concluded— It will happen “to resort to all possible forms of struggle to claim what is legitimate from nurses”.

“(…) Solving problems with nursing stations is part of this Government’s program. (…) It is up to Minister Manuel Pizarro to execute it, taking into account the way in which the Executive works, which the President of the Government, António Costa, recently explained in an interview”, he stresses.

Source: Observadora

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