HomePoliticsPedronunistas shoot hard at Medina

Pedronunistas shoot hard at Medina

The Alexandra Reis case involved two internal opponents in the PS and the Pedronunista faction is already sharpening its knives

The starting gun has been given to the internal war in the PS. After an early morning dedicated to digesting the latest political earthquake that struck the Government, the Socialists do not anticipate the political death of Pedro Nuno, who is even praised in various sectors for his “very dignified”, “exemplary” output, “To Jorge Coelho”. For now though, the advice is to enjoy a period of abstinence. Among the Pedronunistas, by the way, the thesis goes further: not only is the ex-minister saved, but the batteries are already set on a possible future (and past) opponent in the PS, Fernando Medina. In the PS, the succession war begins now.

“Today he started Succession of Antonio Costa“says a leader close to Pedro Nuno. “The internal life of the PS changed radically. Before, everything was intrigue and prepositioning; now it’s gone.” With the case of Alexandra Reis ironically putting the two most appointed possible successors at stake, troop movements in the PS are already visible, with a large part of the party protecting the now former Minister of Infrastructure, as well as the “legacy” of the. .

“Pedro Nuno Santos comes out of this relatively better than expected in the PS and relatively worse than the desirable in the country”, summarizes a senior socialist leader to the Observer. And this “better than expected” in the party is easy to see: as a socialist close to Pedro Nuno summed up, in reaction to the case, “the PS cries” the march of the biggest face on his left, who is also the leader who has worked the most for the party apparatus for years, with an eye on a future succession career.

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Source: Observadora

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