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Sunscreens: do you really know how to choose the best?

If the bags that mothers and fathers take to the beach -huge, packed to the brim- do not hide any secrets, knowing perfectly well what they carry inside (towels, toys, food, water and hats, among a thousand and one things), essential), and sunscreens, which also go inside the bag, you don’t always know what they contain. And this, of course, is crucial to assess its quality -which must be maximum- taking into account the harmful effects of sunlight. In fact, we are all aware of the dangers of sunbathing without protection, since exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation is one of the main risk factors for the development of skin cancer.

But what are the factors to pay attention to when buying a sunscreen? According to dermatologist Diogo Forjaz, “when choosing a sunscreen, the most important thing is to check its level of protection against UVA and UVB radiation”, since “these filters are decisive in the level of protection that we are going to give you.” give our skin and the effective duration of the same protection”. Regarding the difference between UVA and UVB rays, it is important to keep in mind that, of all the sun’s rays that reach the earth, 5% is UV radiation, which is very strong and can be harmful to humans. . While UVA rays contribute to premature aging of the skin, UVB rays are responsible for sunburn and tanning, so the skin must be protected from the effect of both.

According to the specialist, “it is important to choose a protector that is suitable for our phototype. [ver destaque] and characteristics of our skin, that is, the lower the skin phototype, the higher the sun protection index should be and it is essential that it has effective and long-lasting UVA and UVB protection”. The doctor reminds you that there are several levels of sun protection [SPF, na sigla em inglês] available on the market, namely low protection (SPF 6/10), medium protection (SPF 15/20/25), high protection (SPF 30/50) and very high protection (SPF 50+). “Obviously, as a dermatologist, I always recommend the one with very high protection,” he says, adding that “to maintain the integrity of the skin, we need to tailor the sunscreen to each person’s skin type and/or condition.” In this way, “sensitive skin should avoid chemical filters and dry skin should apply more nourishing solutions,” he explains.

It is important to choose a suitable protector for our phototype [ver destaque] and characteristics of our skin, that is, the lower the skin phototype, the higher the sun protection index should be and it is essential that it has effective and long-lasting UVA and UVB protection”

A specific protector for every need

One of the doubts that usually arise when buying sunscreens for the family has to do with the importance of using different formulas for adults and children. Diogo Forjaz affirms that it is important to do so, because “children’s skin has a finer and more sensitive structure and a microbiome that is still forming”, so “it is essential that sunscreens without perfume are applied to have greater protection ”. shield and with the highest level of protection available to reduce the risk of future solar pathologies in adulthood”.

The skin on the face is thinner and more sensitive and the continued use of body protectors on the face can unbalance its microbiota, leaving it more sensitive and vulnerable to allergic reactions and skin imperfections”

In the same way, the specialist advises the application of different sunscreens on the face, since the characteristics of the skin in this area are different from those of the body. “The skin of the face is thinner and more sensitive and the continued use of body protectors on the face can unbalance its microbiota, leaving it more sensitive and vulnerable to allergic reactions and skin imperfections,” she justifies. In the same sense, she reinforces that there are even “specific protectors for the periocular areas [ao redor dos olhos] and the labial mucosa, which are even more sensitive anatomical areas of the face”.

Another topic that also comes up with some regularity is the need for very dark skin to use, or not, sun protection. The clinician makes it very clear that, although skins with a higher phototype (see highlighted) have greater natural protection against UVB radiation, however, “their natural melanin does not protect them from UVA radiation, which penetrate deeper and They are the main cause of allergies. , premature aging of the skin and skin degeneration, which can lead to the appearance of serious solar problems and skin carcinomas”.

How and when to use sunscreen?

Taking into account that the sun rises every day and, even if it is hidden behind the clouds, it has the potential to damage the skin, Diogo Forjaz stresses that “we must use a suitable sunscreen throughout the year”, although “more regularly during summer”. In addition, the dermatologist clarifies that, contrary to what most people do -which is to put on sunscreen only when they arrive at the beach- “we must apply the appropriate sunscreen 30 minutes before exposing ourselves to the sun” Then, “reapply every two hours and, at the end, use a regenerating and soothing cream to hydrate and protect the skin, mainly composed of hyaluronic acid, vitamin E and antioxidants, to be prepared for the next day.”

And even if the packaging says that the sunscreen is waterproof, it is necessary to reapply it every two hours, because “water-resistant solutions do not invalidate the replenishment of protection when there is intense and prolonged sun exposure,” he warns. In other words, “you always have to replenish sun protection, although in these cases it is not necessary to do so immediately after contact with water”, highlights the Clinical Director of Clínica Forjaz and Coordinator of the Department of Dermatology at Hospital CUF Cascais.

Is it possible to tan with SPF 50+?

Another myth that is also heard, when it comes to the use of sunscreens, is that those who use these products with a maximum protection index (SPF50+) cannot tan, but here it is also important to restore the truth. First of all, you have to keep in mind that shorter skins have a hard time tanning, or this never happens, regardless of whether or not you use sunscreen. In fact, in these cases, if they do not use it, the burn will be the most obvious consequence.

Sunscreens offer two important functions: reflection and absorption. For one thing, proper and recommended sunscreens are capable of reflecting the sun’s harmful rays. On the other hand, they have the ability to absorb their own non-harmful radiation, and it is important to absorb the so-called healthy solar rays, which give us vitality to carry out skin regeneration and stimulate the melanin in our skin”

In addition, the doctor highlights that “sunscreens offer two important functions: reflection and absorption. For one thing, proper and recommended sunscreens are capable of reflecting the sun’s harmful rays. On the other hand, they have the ability to absorb their own non-harmful radiation, and it is important to absorb the so-called healthy solar rays, which give us vitality to carry out skin regeneration and stimulate the melanin in our skin”. In this way, “the continued application of sunscreen makes the tan of the skin much longer lasting, much more beautiful, preventing future sunburns”, explains the specialist in aesthetic medicine, adding that “sunburns are the most dangerous, since they can also cause actinic keratoses”. [lesões cutâneas causadas pela exposição prolongada e repetida à radiação UV]serious solar pathologies and give rise to the appearance of flaccidity and skin irregularities in adulthood”.

What about the need for vitamin D absorption? Should we opt for lower levels of sun protection so as not to compromise the absorption of this essential vitamin for our body? According to Diogo Forjaz, “vitamin D is synthesized in the skin by the absorption of solar radiation, however, we do not need long exposures to the sun for this metabolic process.” “Twenty minutes of direct exposure to the sun, preferably in the early hours of the morning, when UV radiation is not yet at its most aggressive, is enough for good absorption,” he concludes, noting that “you always have to take care of your skin of the face”. because it is more sensitive.

New Solar Wells Brand: Affordable Quality for Every Bag

In a country where the sun shines practically all year round and is a business card, the needs of the Portuguese in terms of sun protection should not be neglected. In this sense, Wells has just launched the SOLARE range, an exclusive brand of sun protection, with a response to all needs and with an important characteristic: it presents the quality of the ranges that are usually sold in pharmacies, but at more affordable prices. and suitable for all wallets. In fact, Solare products feature hypoallergenic, dermatologist-approved formulas specially developed with the best ingredients to reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction. The Solare range consists of six products:

Stick for Lips and Scars 50+ – With a strong moisturizing power, it effectively protects the lips and sensitive areas such as blemishes and scars from the harmful effects of the sun. It is presented in a format that favors the application.

Face 50+ – Specific facial protector against UVA and UVB rays, which includes an anti-aging formula, enriched with vitamin E, recognized for its antioxidant action, hyaluronic acid, panthenol and allantoin, ingredients that promote skin hydration.

Body 30+ and 50+ – Formulated for sensitive skin prone to sun allergies, both formulas protect against UVA and UVB rays, are hypoallergenic, water resistant and have an invisible texture that is quickly absorbed, enriched with hyaluronic acid and vitamin E, and can also be used in the face. The SPF 30+ product has an action designed to prolong the tan.

Children 50+ – Taking into account the specific characteristics of the skin of the little ones, the formula created for children is hypoallergenic and fragrance-free, and can also be used on the face.

after the sun – With the function of helping to regenerate the skin after sun exposure, the after sun range lowers the temperature of the skin, moisturizes intensely, helps repair sunburn and prolongs the tan. It includes in its formula allantoin, menthol and panthenol, as well as hyaluronic acid and vitamin E.

Source: Observadora

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